Green’s Dictionary of Slang

garbroth n.

[lit. broth made from the garfish, generally seen as the food of the very poorest and as such not properly fit for human consumption]

(US) any poor or worthless person; often in phrs. mean as garbroth, poor as garbroth; also attrib.

[US]J.K. Paulding Westward Ho! II 181: He’s as mean as gar-broth.
[US]J.K. Paulding Banks of the Ohio ii 85: The Garbroth people are cluttering up the country hereabouts.
[US]DN 3.586: Poor (or thin) as gar broth [DARE].
W.A. Percy Lanterns 66: It is bitter as gar-broth [DARE].
[US] in PADS [DARE].
[US] in DARE.
Heat Moon Blue Highways 395: We have no poor except those that choose to be —those that would be poor as gar broth anywhere [DARE].