Green’s Dictionary of Slang

bake n.2

1. (Aus. Und.) a negative description, as given in court by a police officer who wishes to ensure that the defendant gets a long sentence; thus no-bake, a good or neutral description [play on roast v. (3)].

[Aus]Bulletin (Sydney) 26 Apr. 44: Dead set the best bake in history they give me and I got the book for a shit pot dud. [Ibid.] When I got buckled they asked for two spot for the no-bake, but I put ’em on the arse bit for being big askers.
[Aus]B. Matthews Intractable [ebook] In their eyes I was just a filthy rotten crim anyway. And civilly dead to boot. The perfect target for a good bake.

2. an interrogation [play on roast v. (4)].

[Aus]Smith & Noble Neddy (1998) 180: Then came my turn for a bake. ‘What about you, mate?’ he said. ‘How many have you killed? A dozen?’ ‘What is this, a game of twenty questions or what?’ ‘I have put plenty off, so I know what I’m doing.’.