Green’s Dictionary of Slang

cluck v.4

[cluck n.4 ]
(UK drugs)

1. to crave crack cocaine.

[UK] in R. Graef Living Dangerously 96: Straight away after you’ve taken crack, you’ll cluck for more — clucking is craving.

2. to suffer withdrawal symptoms from any narcotic.

[UK]P. Baker Blood Posse 250: He was a dope addict and was clucking.
[UK] Sun. Times News Rev. 12 Mar. 1: I approached a man who was clucking.
[UK]J. Cameron Hell on Hoe Street 192: Junkie heaven it was up there, score any time you were clucking.
[UK]N. ‘Razor’ Smith Raiders 245: Criminals [...] would not wish to see them [i.e. their families] gunned down by a clucking skag-head.
[UK]G. Knight Hood Rat 181: After two days without a fix [of heroin] he is clucking badly. His nose runs, his eyes water and his head rolls.