Green’s Dictionary of Slang

kid n.3


in pl., kid gloves.

[US]J.C. Neal Peter Ploddy and Other Oddities 118: I wish I was that limping fellow with a bad cold, crying oysters – he don’t wear white kids.
[US]M.D. Landon Eli Perkins 69: Quietly remove your amber kids.
[Aus]Bulletin (Sydney) 2 May 23/2: At Albury Assizes there was a clear-sheet, and so they presented to Sir (Joseph) George Innes a pair of No. 14 white kid gloves. Once there was a sheriff who, as he handed the ‘kids’ to a well known hanging Judge, neatly remarked that his Honor would, no doubt, remember that session with pleasure, as it was one which could not possibly be followed by annoying petitions for the reprieve of condemned criminals.
[UK]G.W. Hunt [perf. George Leybourne] ‘The beautiful Columbine.’ 🎵 Split my ‘kids’ with applauding so loud.
[UK]Illus. Bits 13 July 1: ‘I want to see some gloves.’ ‘Certainly, miss. Can I show you some undressed kids?’ ‘Young man! I only require gloves.’ [F&H].