Green’s Dictionary of Slang

teenybopper adj.

also teenybop
[teenybopper n.]

1. pertaining to a teenager, usu. a young girl.

[UK]N. Cohn Awopbop. (1970) 216: Mind you, all this only holds good in the teenybop belt.
[US]N. George ‘Bobby Brown’ in Buppies, B-Boys, Baps and Bohos (1994) 85: A squeaky hit, the ultra-teenybop ballad ‘Girlfriend.’.
[US]D. Waters Heathers [film script] Some teeny-bopper rag say they want to play a prom.
[US](con. c.1970) G. Hasford Phantom Blooper 147: Peggy Sue, the black teenybopper whore, falls out of love with me with a heartbreaking lack of finesse.
[US]G. Indiana Rent Boy 49: All these teenybop girls in tight skirts.
The Apollonian Press ‘American Israelis and Palestinians at Odds’ Country Joe’s Place 🌐 Said fellow Jewie Steven Kalifowitivdz: ‘Israel has never been an aggressor in this conflict; it has only over-reacted in typical pre-programmed, Hebrew, teeny-bopper manner to aggressions from the Towlies.’.
[Aus](con. 1960s-70s) T. Taylor Top Fellas 88/1: The ‘Spunky’ readers, your teenbopper bracket.

2. in fig. use insignificant, ‘lightweight’.

[US]A. Rodriguez Spidertown (1994) 13: Not teenybopper .22s, but gargantuan automatic rifle slugs that tumbled into his chest cavity and ripped savagely through lungs, cracking ribs.