Green’s Dictionary of Slang

bush league n.

[baseball imagery]

anywhere considered second-rate, out-of-the way.

[US]Eve. Star (Wash., DC) 17 Oct. 5/3: A young pitcher [...] was resh from the ‘Bush League’ and it was his first appearance at a ‘Big League’ hotel.
[US]Ade Knocking the Neighbors 106: [She] would have to make an immediate Demonstration of Form to avoid being permanently Benched or sent back to the Bush League.
[US](con. 1920s) J.T. Farrell Judgement Day in Studs Lonigan (1936) 617: The bush leagues for you, Spunk [...] You’re getting old.
[US]C. Odets Awake and Sing! II i: Don’t be a bush leaguer all your life.
[US]Reader’s Digest Oct. 55/1: They have left the political bush leagues and are now in the majors [DA].
[US]B. Schulberg On the Waterfront (1964) 310: Looks like I’m being sent down to the bush leagues.
L. Schecter Jocks 115: [H]e signed an article in Sports Illustrated (for about 15,000 dollars) titled ‘My life in a Bush League’.