rap n.1
1. the theft of a purse.
Discoveries (1774) 30: If they napp the Bit, they cry pike; then we go and fisk the Bit, and dink the empty Bit, for fear it should be found, and fisk the Blunt, and gee if none is quare; to prevent a Rapp; it is a Bit of Rige or Wage. |
2. in senses of speech.
(a) (orig. US) a rebuke, the blame, thus put the rap on / take a rap at, to attack verbally, to criticise.
Amer. Pioneer II 17: The post master general [...] has lately had a rap, which I hope will have a good effect [DA]. | ||
Works (1794) I 112: Our lofty Duchesses pull caps, And give each other’s reputations raps, As freely as the drabs of Drury’s school. | ‘Lyric Odes’||
It Is Never Too Late to Mend 1 198: I could see the warders grinning from ear to ear, as much as to say, ‘There’s another rap for you, governor!’. | ||
Atlantic Monthly Mar. 297/2: He who has the bad taste to meddle with the caprices of believers [...] gets the rap and the orders of dismissal [DA]. | ||
Forty Modern Fables 45: He got many Raps because of his evident Desire to Duck on the Festivities. | ||
Dly Ardmoreite (OK) 27 Oct. 1/6: He took a rap at Busby [...] for making extortionate charges for coal. | ||
Day Book (Chicago) 30 June 1/1: Dr Ogle took a rap at some members of the Daughters of the American Revolution. | ||
Me – Gangster 77: I kept my mouth shut and took the fall for the whole gang, and now Slug was putting the rap on me with the old man! | ||
I Am a Fugitive 123: It seems the party who turned you up [...] went to Swanson’s office a couple of days ago and put in the ‘rap’ there. | ||
Runyon on Broadway (1954) 400: This is a dead wrong rap against Blondy. | ‘The Three Wise Guys’ in||
(con. 1944) Naked and Dead 58: Some raps you can’t beat. | ||
Police Headquarters (1956) 126: The big brass in the Department didn’t mean a thing to John Lyons if he thought one of his men was getting a bad rap from a newspaper. | ||
(con. 1940s) Dark Sea Running 187: But it was my rap. It was Joe’s rap and everybody’s rap. | ||
Cunning Linguist (1973) 36: I was tired of her talk, all the knocking patter, putting the rap on the good old U.S.A. and all that bilge. | ||
(con. 1949) True Confessions (1979) 31: The only rap against Tom Spellacy was that he was such a lousy shot. | ||
Aus. Prison Sl. Gloss. 🌐 Rap. 1. Blame or consequence. |
(b) speech or conversation, esp. the spontaneous wise-cracking repartee of street life.
Nat. Police Gaz. (NY) 16 June 7/4: ‘I got in my rap before they could [...] If they’d given me the chance I’d have made the whole lot [...] look like thirty cents’. | ||
Nightmare Town (2001) 243: Martinez had given the police a rap on the phone. | ‘Tom, Dick, or Harry’ in||
Drugs from A to Z (1970) 219: rap [...] talk, used as a noun, as in ‘while I’m going through my rap’, i.e., while I’m speaking my piece (under the influence of drugs). | ||
Serial 27: It was time he and Kate had a good rap about redefining the parameters of their relationship. | ||
Runnin’ Down Some Lines 91: See yo’ rap is your thing. I’s like your personality. Like you kin style on some dude by rappin’ better ’n he do [...] Or you can rap to a young lady, you tryin’ to impress her, catch her action-you know-get wid her sex-wise. [...] You can school the brother wi’ cho rap. Run down some heavy lines, tell ’im what’s happenin’ [...] Else you can righteously get on d’ dude’s case. Run down the basic fundamentals to d’ dude [...] Sometimes you rap jus’ be woofin’, jus’ playing aroun’, shootin’ jokes on each other – like d’ momma’s game [...] See, what it is, use yo’ rap in all different situations. | ||
Dict. Aus. Swearing & Sex Sayings 108: RAP — Talk. | ||
Vinnie Got Blown Away 88: I got the call the welfare wanted a rap about problems. | ||
Layer Cake 235: I do that thing builders do, intake of breath, and drop the rap I have JD on Monday night. Jus’ talkin’. |
(c) (US) an official complaint or reprimand; thus rapper, n., one who makes a complaint.
Life In Sing Sing 252: Rap. A complaint. | ||
Wash. Herald (DC) 10 Sept. 10/5: Another rap at the local policeman’s union was heard [...] when Senator Thomas [...] took exception to expressions voiced. | ||
Fighting Blood 203: What have I done now, Judy? [...] Has anybody put in a rap for me, or what is the reasons you won’t ride in my sedan? | ||
Keys to Crookdom 415: Rapper. One who files complaint. | ||
Gangster Girl 11: If a ‘rap’ threatened, and this was a Federal offence, hard to square or beat, the ‘monkeys’ would be jettisoned without hesitation. | ||
(con. 1910s) Hoods (1953) 11: He don’t know who squared the rap for us. | ||
Swell-Looking Babe 71: I’ve got a hell of a big income tax rap hanging over me. |
(d) a lecture, a reprimand.
Day Book (Chicago) 30 June 12/2: Dr President Moyer [...] took a rap at ‘Boss ’ Flynn [...] saying his employees were forced to work for starvation wages. | ||
White Moll 215: I handed you a rap about beating it with the empty money-belt the night you croaked Deemer [...] but you forget that! | ||
Family 177: One of Manson’s favourite raps was built around a rural pig-slaughter. | ||
Flesh and Blood (1978) 29: He starts coming on to me with a brand-new rap. | ||
Angel Dust 153: When you were in high school you know at my age the only thing you heard about drugs period was that if you smoked marihuana you’d go on to heroin and be addicted you know by the end of the first week, and from there you were in jail for the rest of your life, and that was the rap on drugs. | et al.||
in Sex Work (1988) 69: He lays a rap on me as he gets dressed. | ||
Outlaws (ms.) 4: He’d only ever listen to myself, and even then it was a hard rap. |
(e) (Aus.) congratulations, a commendation, praise.
Foveaux 176: When I pass the time of day to a cove he feels that’s a rap for him, see? | ||
Big Smoke 12: His old man give him a rap, and that’s all I know [...] but it’s good enough for me. | ||
Sun-Herald (Sydney) 1 Aug. 7 7/4: ‘Give Tony a rap. He was so cool under pressure,’ said Gordon coach [AND]. | ||
Wind & Monkey (2013) [ebook] So I’m a tranquil aesthete, eh. I still don’t know what that means. But I’ll consider it a rap. |
(f) (orig. US black) a ‘line’ used for seduction or picking up members of the opposite sex.
Vulture (1996) 23: ‘An’ my rap ain’ that good?’ ‘No comment.’. | ||
Carlito’s Way 17: I spend all my time pursuin’ good trim and [...] have a good rap. | ||
Sl. U. 157: rap pickup line. | ||
(con. 1970s) King Suckerman (1998) 88: Ronald couldn’t talk to the ladies, had never even been close to having the rap down. |
(g) the received opinion.
True Confessions (1979) 10: The rap on me after I [...] turned professional was that I liked to hit all right, I just didn’t like to get hit back. | ||
Hot House 53: ‘The rap about Matthews was that he cared more about clean floors and inmate gripes than he did about the staff,’ one guard recalled. | ||
Woodward and Bernstein 32: He knew the rap on Bernstein. [...] Woodward was a registered Republican who had voted for Nixon in 1968, and he was sure Bernstein had not. |
(h) a partner in conversation.
Memphis-Nam-Sweden 170: With all that jiving around, the three of us had become close raps. |
(i) a set speech, e.g. that used by a street salesman.
On the Stroll 107: He liked the rhythm of the monte rap, the charm you had to use with it. | ||
Wizard of La-La Land (1999) 16: Offering little tags and rags of street smarts during a midnight rap that attracted [...] the lonely, lost and insomniac. | ||
Our Town 87: He began what I already recognized as the standard Klan rap. |
(j) talk designed to persuade or deceive.
Fever Kill 82: She never hid behind a line or a rap. |
3. in Und. uses.
(a) (mainly US) an arrest.
Comic Almanack Oct. 191: Abolition of arrest on suspicion of debt, 1838 [,...] There’s no occasion now for me to hide, / Tho’ once I was adeeply versed court guide; / I fear not now a single rap. | ||
Wash. Post 11 Nov. Misc. 3/4: Potent with expression is the word ‘rap.’. | ||
Let Tomorrow Come 153: ’E was on the rap alone, wasn’t ’e? It’s dif’ernt if a hook is on a rap with a mob. | ||
Rough Stuff 91: I knew that I was in for a rap, and would have to do some deep figuring to beat it before a Texas judge or jury. | ||
High Window 33: Gertie says Morny took it over from a busted flush named Arthur Blake Popham who got caught in a mail fraud rap. | ||
From Here to Eternity (1998) 874: For a murder rap! You dont think they’ll dismiss a murder rap against you! Even on account of two wars. | ||
Two Faces of January (1988) 95: Five thousand dollars. For three days. For risking a police rap himself for collusion. | ||
(con. early 1950s) L.A. Confidential 151: A probation rap waiting to happen. |
(b) (US und.) an arrest warrant.
Cincinnati Enquirer (OH) 24 Dec. 12/2: ‘He lifted some stuff from a young gent [...] and before he had time to pawn it they had a “rap” out and he had to go to Baltimore to fence it’. |
(c) (US) confinement to an institution, other than a prison.
Tales of the Ex-Tanks 277: The last time the bug-ward got me [was ...] in Milwaukee in the summer of ’91. It was my first rap in Milwaukee. |
(d) a criminal charge.
Autobiog. of a Thief 265: What was the rap, Mike? | ||
Amer. Law Rev. LII (1918) 889: A complaint or charge is a ‘rap’ and the complainant is the ‘rapper.’. | ‘Criminal Sl.’ in||
You Can’t Win (2000) 138: We’ve got two tough raps [...] In the first place a hypo ain’t supposed to be found within a block of police headquarters [...] In the second place, a hypo ain’t allowed to leave Chinatown. | ||
(con. 1910s) Studs Lonigan (1936) 116: Schroeder was in on a white slavery rap. | Young Lonigan in||
Really the Blues 189: [He] was now beating it from the States because of a third murder rap. | ||
On The Road (1972) 174: One more rap of any kind and I go to San Quentin for life. | ||
Imabelle 52: There’s three con men operating here that’s wanted in Mississippi on a murder rap. | ||
Rage in Harlem (1969) 53: [as 1957]. | ||
He Who Shoots Last 22: ‘Wot’s da beef on Kenny?’ ‘It’s a murder rap’. | ||
Street Players 13: He’d never have to worry about going to prison, not on a rap like that. | ||
Patriot Game (1985) 166: Willing to steal something that somebody really wants will get him sprung from a murder rap eight years early. | ||
My Traitor’s Heart (1991) 325: Ephraim [...] was in jail on a murder rap, arising from a killing he maintained was an act of self-defense. | ||
NZEJ 13 34: rap n. A criminal charge. | ‘Boob Jargon’ in||
Source Aug. 100: For me to go to jail and have a felony rap, it fucked my whole family up. | ||
Boobslang [U. Canterbury D.Phil. thesis] 151/2: rap n. a criminal charge. | ||
IOL News SA 20 Oct. 🌐 Would killer drivers’ murder raps stick? |
(e) the identification of somebody as a murder target.
Enemy to Society 152: There’s a ‘rap’ out for you. |
(f) (US) an identification by the police.
Enemy to Society 291: No use tryin’ to make a getaway. [...] They’ve probably sent a ‘rap’ to all the ferries and tunnel stations anyway. | ||
Vocab. Criminal Sl. 68: rap [...] an identification. | ||
Amer. Tramp and Und. Sl. 155: Rap.– [...] An identification, as by a witness to a crime. | ||
World’s Toughest Prison 814: rap – An identification, as by a witness to a crime. |
(g) (US) a jail sentence; also as v.
AS VIII:3 (1933) 31/1: RAP. To sentence. | ‘Prison Dict.’ in||
Girl from Rector’s 68: In passing their tables I often heard such sinister words as ‘the mouthpiece,’ ‘the big store,’ ‘the mob,’ ‘the iron theatre,’ and ‘the rap.’ [...] the rap was either an accusation or a term in jail. | ||
Gentlemen of the Broad Arrows 16: The sight of you fellows coming in with long ‘raps’ used to make tears come into my eyes. | ||
‘Saint in Silver’ in Goulart (1967) 96: You’ve served a rap [...] in the past. | ||
Swell-Looking Babe 79: Twenty years to serve of a thirty-year bank-robber rap. | ||
Hell’s Angels (1967) 199: Why take a chance on a fifty-year rape rap? | ||
Blue Movie (1974) 188: Lips [...] had spent time in prison — on various book-making and morals raps. | ||
Muscle for the Wing 39: It will work even better next time now that this rap has highlighted the flaws in the gambit. | ||
Winter of Frankie Machine (2007) 68: Frank Baptista [...] got hit with a five-year rap for trying to bribe a judge. |
(h) (US prison) a one-year sentence.
cited in DU (1961) 802/1: A sentence of imprisonment is a rap, one year is known as a calendar; five years a handful; ten years big dick, or deuce; life is a book of F.N.O. (from now on). |
(i) (US Und.) a criminal speciality.
Prison Sl. 23: Another usage for rap is in reference to a person’s particular area of expertise in crime — ‘His rap is embezzlement.’. |
4. a situation.
Red Wind (1946) 173: I wouldn’t listen even, only I can’t stand a shooting rap. | ‘Goldfish’ in||
Go, Man, Go! 99– 100: They didn’t go out with other members’ bams or anything as lousy as your rap. They was just cheesy and loud-mouthed. | ||
Shaft 68: What kind of informers do you get on a rap like this? | ||
Vinnie Got Blown Away 105: I knew Rameez would go for it if he thought up the rap. |
Pertaining to criminal charges
In compounds
1. (US Und.) a crime partner; sometimes a close friend in prion.
Amer. Jrnl Correction 12/2: In the [prison] kitchen, too, there are dozens of places where an ingenious trusty can be hiding something for himself or his rap buddy. | ||
Fed. Probation Newsletter 75/1: I copped a plea to a lesser charge [...] My rap buddy didn’t and served 12 years and 8 months. | ||
Prisoner Subcultures 83: The other social types discovered by Giallombardo included the ‘jive bitch,’ ‘rap buddy,’ ‘honey,’ ‘femme," "stud broad,’ ‘cherry,’ and ’punk’ . | ||
Contemporary Group Work 267: His ‘rap-buddy’ snitched on him and he was arrested. The buddy was not sentenced but Ted was given ‘seven to fourteen."’. | ||
Dilemma of Corrections 117: The ‘jive bitch’ is a troublemaker, whose deviance is a deliberate, calculated strategy [...] The ‘jive bitch’ stands in contrast to the ‘rap buddy,’ one with whom an inmate finds herself compatible because personal communications can be considered confidential. |
2. (US black) a close friend.
Study of a Women’s Prison 118: Any two people who find one another compatible in this way may become ‘rap buddies’ to one another. | Gloss. in||
Homicide (1993) 394: Stony. He’s my rap buddy. | ||
Corner (1998) 72: When you [...] hear your rap buddy just fell dead after slamming some Red Tops. |
(US black) a close friend, a fellow gang member.
? (Pronounced Que) [ebook] Mufuckas sayin’ you dropped a dime on my rap-dog, yo. | ||
? (Pronounced Que) [ebook] He stopped in front of Peanut and told Dion, ‘And, yo, this my lil’ rap. He tell me you so much as looked at him wrong, I’ma leave you stinkin’ somewhere. |
(US Und.) someone who is on the same charge sheet as oneself; someone who is jailed for the same crime.
My Life in Crime 176: When I was returned to the parole office, they picked up my original rap partner. | ||
World’s Toughest Prison 814: rap partner – An accomplice; associate in a crime. | ||
(con. 1960s) Whoreson 289: This same woman who went to prison with you as your rap partner. | ||
Killing Time 230: I got two rap partners and both of ’em is in the hole now for tryin’ to use the law library. |
(US) a criminal record.
Denver Law Jrnl 50 130: Several mentioned instances of getting the client's permission to tell them of a prior conviction [...] but this was just to expedite the disposition of a minor offense before the ‘rap sheet’ arrived. | ||
West’s Pacific Digest 10:1 319: Exhibit which county attorney orally described as a machine copy of Federal Bureau of Investigation ‘rap sheet’ and state Bureau of Investigation ‘rap sheet,’ in and of itself, constitutes hearsay evidence and as such would be inadmissible. | ||
Joint (1972) 81: He agreed to extract the folder (‘rap sheet’) of Sandy’s cell partner from the master file. | Ex Post Facto in||
Hell’s Angels (1967) 16: Yeah, that rap sheet’s all bullshit [...] Most of those charges are phoney. | ||
Choirboys (1976) 60: His fourteen page rap sheet included fifty-four arrests. | ||
Double Whammy (1990) 38: ‘With your portfolio you could have done anything [...]’ ‘Not with a rap sheet,’ Decker said. | ||
(con. early 1950s) L.A. Confidential 103: Bobby was a notorious fruitfly with a rap sheet full of homo-pandering beefs. | ||
Guardian Guide 14–20 Aug. 21: At the police station you’ll find a series of mug shots and rap sheets. | ||
Boobslang [U. Canterbury D.Phil. thesis] 151/2: rap sheet a criminal charge sheet. | ||
Snitch Jacket 8: A rap sheet and no degree makes it much tougher to get much better [i.e. as a job]. | ||
What It Was 38: The rap sheet description included known a.k.a.’s. | (con. 1972)||
Vanity Fair 16 Mar. 🌐 His rap sheet, stretching back to 1961, included convictions for robbery, burglary, handling stolen goods, and conspiracy to defraud. | ||
Widespread Panic 99: ‘I’m the Lizard of Love. Check my rap sheet’. |
In phrases
1. (US) a serious criminal charge.
Fast One (1936) 14: Stood a bad rap on some forged Liberty Bonds about a year ago and went broke beating it. | ||
Asphalt Jungle in Four Novels (1984) 249: You carry a gun — you shoot a policeman. A bad rap. Hard to beat. |
2. the state of being criticized unfairly.
Gas-House McGinty 258: I hope he don’t give me a bad rap with Norris. | ||
Guardian Rev. 20 May 6: It distressed him that snakes had such a bad rap. | ||
Snitch Jacket 99: Satan [...] if you ask me always got a bad rap. | ||
Cherry Pie [ebook] ‘I know you bikies get a bad rap about the drug dealing and the gang banging and bombing each other’s clubhouses’. | ||
When Kids Say They’re Trans IX: Recently, parents have been getting a remarkably bad rap, especially when it comes to hot-button cultural issues such as gender. |
3. an unfair criminal charge or sentence.
Bounty of Texas (1990) 197: bad rap, n. – unfair treatment: ‘He got a bad rap’. | ‘Catheads [...] and Cho-Cho Sticks’ in Abernethy||
After Hours 53: Him and wops really gave me a bad rap on that conspiracy pop. |
1. to be found not guilty in a court.
Illinois Crime Survey 1038: He [i.e. ‘Big Tim’ Murphy] had ‘beaten raps’ at memorable trials, typical for the spectacular failure of the law. | ||
Gangster Stories Oct. n.p.: ‘They found a large quantity of dope [...] We’re going to have a devil of a time beating the rap on that charge’. | ‘Snowbound’ in||
Just Enough Liebling (2004) 165: They moved us [...] before they could try him [...] so he beat that rap, too. | ‘Quest for Mollie’ in||
Corner Boy 197: You can’t beat this rap by clamming up. | ||
Huncke’s Journal (1998) 35: He began telling us of himself and how he had just beaten a federal rap. | ‘Frisky’ in||
Airtight Willie and Me 111: He went to bat for wasting three of ’em, but he beat those raps. | ||
Guardian Editor 7 Jan. 13: The Chin, who’s in his seventies, tried to beat the rap on grounds of frailty. |
2. (US) in non-judicial context, to extricate oneself from difficult circumstances.
Coll. Stories (1990) 46: I gotta beat this rap, more way to skin a cat than grabbing to his tail. | ‘Let Me at the Enemy’ in
1. (US) to be found innocent of a charge in court.
Industrial World 46:2 72/2: I think I could beat the rap. It's for you to decide if I must give myself up as a murderer. | ||
Lockstep and Corridor 173: Beat the rap—escape conviction. | ||
Shearer’s Colt 162: They would often boast to the police of cases in which they had managed to beat the rap (escape from justice) through the aid of a good mouthpiece. | ||
They Drive by Night 226: Give yourself up somewhere and you’ll beat the rap. | ||
(con. early 1930s) Harlem Glory (1990) 21: [chapter heading] Beating The Rap. | ||
Junkie (1966) 77: He was [...] expected to beat the rap on the grounds of illegal seizure. | ||
Down These Mean Streets (1970) 243: Jimmy was trying to beat the rap by pulling a flip act. | ||
Airtight Willie and Me 204: His lawyer had beaten his drug rap on the technicality of ‘illegal search and seizure’. | ||
Something Fishy (2006) 47: Although he had been charged with dozens of offences, he had a knack for beating the rap. |
2. attrib. use of sense 1.
Shook-Up Generation (1961) 25: These youngsters seek to create the image of a ‘cool, cultured, ‘beat-the-rap’ type. |
to be scolded, to be told off, to be blamed.
Atlantic Monthly Mar. 297/2: He who has the bad taste to meddle with the caprices of believers [...] gets the rap and the orders of dismissal [DA]. | ||
‘Goldenrod’ on Great Plains Nature Center 🌐 People suffering from allergies in September look for a flower to blame and goldenrod gets the rap because it is so visible and abundant. |
1. to murder, to kill.
AS XI:3 199: Give the rap. | ‘American Euphemisms for Dying’ in
2. to blame.
(con. 1920s) Studs Lonigan (1936) 801: He was too smart to let them give him the rap for these hard times. | Judgement Day in
(US Und.) of police or other authorities, to charge a criminal (fairly or otherwise).
Nightmare Town (2001) 140: So long as Goodbody’s hanging the rap on me — somebody I can sue for a million when it flops. | ‘Assistant Murderer’ in||
(con. 1905–25) Professional Thief (1956) 10: Coppers are not a bit particular whom they hang a rap on, so long as they get credit for the case. | ||
High Sierra in Four Novels (1984) 290: The F.B.I. couldn’t hang a Federal rap on you, so here you are loosed. | ||
Never Come Morning (1988) 113: We don’t think you shot that old man. We think he did. But if you don’t say so [...] there’s nothin’ for us to do but hang the rap on you. | ||
Henderson The Rain King 133: If they wanted to hang a rap of sacrilege on me, I was guilty all right. | ||
Smack Man (1991) 137: Even if you do catch him [...] it’s going to be hard to hang a rap on him. |
1. (orig. US) to persuade.
Close Quarters (1987) 96: He laid his rap to her. | ||
Lang. Qly 21-25 138: A male looking for sction would use the expression ‘lay a rap on a chick’, ‘rap to a chick’, or ‘rap on a chick’. Whatever the expression, the intent was the same — employ abusive, sexually aggressive language in order to seduce a female. | ||
Prison Sl. 15: Lay a Rap To persuade. (Archaic: duke in). |
2. (US) to explain.
Therapy with Delinquents 375: An example of such a dialogue might be: ‘There are Boom-Boom and Loco from East Side Loma, and it's too late for me to do something to avoid them. Let me lay a rap on them about what's happening with their clique’. |
to impute a crime (to a criminal) (whether or not they are actually implicated).
Liberty mag. 12:4 46: The thief, when he sat down to pin the rap on the girl, didn't realize he was typing in red. | ||
Billboard 25 May 58/1: He tries to poison the little lady during an audition and actually does knock off a poor old gardener, while trying to pin the rap on him. | ||
DAUL 157/2: Pin a rap on. To make an accusation against, and secure the conviction of, an alleged criminal on a specific charge; to put the blame on, with or without justification. | et al.||
Burn, Killer, Burn! 65: I’m not trying to pin that rap on you. | ||
Hustler 142: They tried to put the rap on this guy who had run ’cross the street. | ||
N.Y. Mag. 17 June 81: And before long, with the local sheriff ready to pin the rap on a peculiar janitor, with blackmail in the air, and [...] local hoodlums on the rampage and more corpses on hand [etc]. | ||
Revenge of the Creature Feature 330/1: Unusually grim Larry Cohen film in which a film director murders an actress and tries to pin the rap on her husband. | ||
Stone Circle 49: Now he was trying to pin the rap on Flanagan because he couldn't ’fess up to the message on the kitchen floor. | ||
🌐 Connecting the dots where there aren’t any in order to pin the rap on Saddam is about as bent as ignoring Saudi Arabia’s very real involvement in 9-11. | WorldNetDaily 16 Sept.||
15 Months in SOG 60: Even the investigators from CID (Criminal Investigation Division) couldn’t pin the rap on anyone. |
to inform against.
Mr. Jackson 92: You wouldn’t put in a rap agin a guy who never done nawtin’ to you, would you? |
(Aus. Und.) to escape or be found not guilty of a criminal charge.
Sun. Mail (Brisbane) 13 Nov. 20/8: If he gets out of the charge he is said to have ‘slipped the rap’. |
to have a criminal charge dropped.
Predicting Criminality 117: Did you ever square a ‘rap’ by ‘conning’ a copper? [...] Did you ever talk your way out of a pinch in prison? | ||
Decade 146: Needs two torpedos with willing heaters, a hideout and maybe some china to square a rap. | ||
DAUL 205/2: Square a rap. 1. To cause a criminal charge or complaint to be dropped with the consent of the complainant and the authorities. | et al.||
Nice Guys Finish last 400: A low-grade hoodlum who would say anything they wanted him to say, either to get a favor or square a rap. |
(US Und.) to take the blame, sometimes on behalf of another; to face criminal charges.
Story Omnibus (1966) 39: I’d just as leave stand the rap [...] I’d be safer in jail. | ‘Fly Paper’||
Green Ice (1988) 16: It was generally known that I’d stood her rap. | ||
Popular Boating Dec. 31/3: If you have an incredibly loyal, discreet and understanding wife she may stand the rap for you. |
1. to take the blame when one is not the guilty party.
Collier’s 80 6: He’ll take the rap for me. That’s what I pay hm for . | ||
Right Ho, Jeeves 80: Uncle Tom would see a hundred Milady’s Boudoirs go phut rather than take the rap. | ||
Amboy Dukes 116: They’re taking a rap because of us. | ||
Walk on the Wild Side 117: He’ll talk a country boy like you into some fool operation and you’ll be the one to take the rap, mark my word. | ||
Big Gold Dream 46: I don’t want to see you take the rap for a no-good man who runs away leaving you holding the bag. | ||
Tell Morning This 219: ‘Terry took the rap and let you out’. | ||
Blue Movie (1974) 197: If those guys think I’m taking the rap for it [...] they’re nuts! | ||
Life and Times of Little Richard 25: Peggie and I would always have to take the rap for Richard. | ||
Doing Time 194: rap: to suffer punishment for a crime whether guilt or not; for example, ‘he took the rap’. | ||
Dead Sea Poems 8: Shredded trash, dug out top brass [...] took rap for P.M.’s body odour. | ‘C.V.’ in||
The Joy (2015) [ebook] ‘No way I’m taking the rap for you’. | ||
Observer 4 July 25: One of the commendable characteristics of this Home Secretary is that he takes the rap. | ||
Guardian 13 Jan. 10: Donkeys take rap for beach dirt. | ||
Boobslang [U. Canterbury D.Phil. thesis] 151/2: take the rap to take the blame for another, or to accept sole responsibility in a group offence. | ||
Guardian 26 Mar. 3: [headline] Health Minister Takes the Rap. |
2. to take a punishment, often a prison sentence, that is actually due to someone else.
Chicago May (1929) 250: Avery escaped by hiding in the trunk and I took the rap on Blackwell’s Island. | ||
Gentlemen of the Broad Arrows 10: I’d take de whole rap for dis business if I could. | ||
Man with the Golden Arm 199: He could not even tell the names of those who’d taken the rap for him. | ||
Young Wolves 129: Ya see, he’s takin’ the rap for—. | ||
Pimp 39: I took a bootlegging rap for a pal. | ||
Family Arsenal 256: He stays put and lets guys like Weech take the rap. | ||
Spike Island (1981) 210: He was a doorman. There was a bit of a ruckus between rival club-owners and they went in with shotguns. He didn’t kill anyone — he took the rap for it. | ||
Makes Me Wanna Holler (1995) 370: I took the rap for two other dudes. | ||
PS, I Scored the Bridesmaids 35: That one [i.e. a car crash] I was prepared to take the rap for. |
Pertaining to speech
In compounds
(US black) extended, emotional, aggressive talk.
🎵 on Get In Where You Fit In [album] He’ll tell a lie almost every other minute / I’m like Bennett, I ain’t in it / Go on with your reject rap attack / You’ll get more from a prize in a Cracker Jack. | ‘Get In Where You Fit In’
(US) an ostensible club that supposedly provides conversation but actually doubles as a brothel.
NDAS 353/2: rap club (or parlor or studio) [...] A place that offers sexual services in the guise of conversation and companionship. |
(US black) the ability to talk persuasively in pursuit of sexual conquest.
Makes Me Wanna Holler (1995) 27: They had strong rap games, the studied ability to talk smooth and persuasive to get their way with the ladies. |
(US) a discussion or encounter group.
N.Y. Times 12 June 28: The New York chapter of the Vietnam Veterans Against the War instituted weekly ‘rap groups’ where men meet and talk about their experiences and feelings. |
(US) a euph. for a massage parlour, itself a cover for a store-front organization behind which, while legitimate massage may be available, men pay for a variety of sexual services from ‘relief’ or ‘executive’ massage (masturbation) to full intercourse.
Princeton Union-Eagle Jan. 🌐 Adult use/principal is defined as the ‘offering of goods and/or services which are classified as adult uses as a primary or sole activity of a business or establishment’ and include, but are not limited to, the following: adult use body painting studio, adult use bookstore, adult use cabaret, adult use companionship establishment, adult use conversation and/or rap parlor, adult use health/sport club, adult use hotel/motel, adult use massage parlor/health club. |
1. (US) a police interrogation.
Cop Team 140: Sepe and Telano hauled their prisoner off to the station house for a ‘rap’ session. |
2. an intense conversation; by ext., in new therapy use, an encounter group.
New Yorker 28 Nov. 130: A church rap session at which a few hundred women came to talk about their abortions. | ||
Breaks 166: He had the asbolute balls to show up for this rap session in a black T-shirt, dungarees [...] and a gold Cartier wristwatch. | ||
Makes Me Wanna Holler (1995) 248: We [...] held impassioned rap sessions about the impact of current events. |