Green’s Dictionary of Slang

Swish Alps n.

[play on swish n. (1)/Swiss]

(US gay) a predominantly homosexual area, e.g. West Hollywood/Hollywood Hills in Los Angeles; Hillcrest in San Diego, etc.

[US]G.S. Nielsen Personality Research 44: [...] described [...] as having heavy concentrations pf homosexuals — the ‘swish Alps’.
[US]C.A. Warren Identity & Community in the Gay World 20: Some areas have so many gay people that the gay community gives them special names, like the ‘Swish Alps’ for one particular part of Los Angeles.
[US]G. Classco Second Nature 53: ‘You know what they call the Hollywood Hills, don’t you [...] the Swish Alps’.
[UK]C. Hitchens in Love, Poverty and War (2005) 151: The plush European homes and mansions known to some as ‘the Swish Alps.’.
[US]D. Rubin in Buhrke Matter of Justice 179: ‘Have you heard what they call Hillcrest (San Diego’s gay neighborhood) the “Swish Alps”’.
[US](con. 1950s) J. Ellroy ‘Where I Get My Weird Shit’ in Destination: Morgue! (2004) 30: We lived in West Hollywood. My dad called it the Swish Alps.
[US](con. 1962) J. Ellroy Enchanters 149: Silver Lake. Due east of Hollywood Hills [...] Wags called it the ‘Swish Alps’.