Green’s Dictionary of Slang

battle of the Nile n.

[rhy. sl. = tile n.; in the Battle of the Nile (1 August 1798) Nelson defeated Napoleon’s fleet, thus wrecking the French expedition to Egypt]

1. a hat.

[UK]Hotten Dict. of Modern Sl. etc.
[UK]Hotten Sl. Dict.
[UK]N. Devon Jrnl 8 Feb. 7/2: [from The Echo] Come, cows and kisses, put the battle of the Nile on your Barnet Fair, and a rogue and villain in your sky-rocket.

2. in ext. use of sense 1, the head, the mind; also note have a tile loose under tile n.

[UK]Sporting Times 3 July 1/3: By unkind treatment [he] drove her off her ‘battle of the Nile’ to a madhouse.