Green’s Dictionary of Slang

kinder n.

also kindie, kindy

(Aus.) the kindergarten class in a primary school.

[Aus]Meanjin Quarterly (Melbourne) 308: Like Billy in the Kinder.
[NZ]G. Slatter Gun in My Hand 146: Two kids at school now and the little joker’s at kindy.
[UK]L. Hadow Full Cycle 189: The house was vapid when he was at work, the children at school, Philip at morning kindie.
[Aus]H. Garner Monkey Grip 2: We picked up Gracie from her kinder and left Melbourne that afternoon.
[Aus]Daily News (Perth) 17 Oct. 44: Lorrelle Holman (5), of Mt Pleasant, is learning pots about the animal kingdom, thanks to her local kindy. Her proud dad Ken says the kids were issued with tadpoles last week [GAW4].
M. Lurie Seven Books for Grossman 100: Little Norbert and little Hermione and little all the rest of them, are all tucked nicely away in their kinders and creches and day-care centres [AND].
[Aus]C. Bowles G’DAY 19: You go to the greengrocers for vegies, you take the kids to kindie, and if you're a tart you wear lippie.
[Aus]P. Temple Black Tide (2012) [ebook] Where d’ya reckon they get these footy writers? From the kinder?
[Aus]T. Winton ‘Small Mercies’ in Turning (2005) 73: He got Ricky settled into kindy.
[Aus]G. Gilmore Class Act [ebook] Denise, whom Davie had known since kindy.

In compounds

kinder surprise (n.) [trade name Kinder Surprise, a chocolate egg which contains a game and a surprise + egg n.1 (2)]

(N.Z. prison) a Māori skinhead.

[NZ]D. Looser Boobslang [U. Canterbury D.Phil. thesis] 100/1: kinder surprise n. 1 a Māori skinhead.