Green’s Dictionary of Slang

treatment n.

SE in slang uses

In phrases

get the treatment (v.)

to submit to some form of verbal interrogation or telling-off.

F. Gielow Laughter, Love, and a Barbershop Song 86: [He] got the treatment from the trooper, a fellow by the name of Casey Cason. After handing out a real tongue lashing, Casey said he wouldn’t arrest Jim.
[US]G. Pelecanos Shame the Devil 127: Randy always had to pick her up there, get the treatment from her father, like where you be takin’ my little girl and shit.
C.D. Campbell Deadly Illusions 20: ‘The cops apparently think the murder was committed by a black male who’s a present or former employee of the hotel.’ ‘So that’s why you got the treatment.’.
give someone the treatment (v.)

1. to have sexual intercourse with.

[NZ]G. Slatter Pagan Game (1969) 175: I’m suffering from frustrationitis, how about giving me the treatment on that lovely red rug before the fire in your lounge?

2. to interrogate aggressively; thus to beat up, to torture, usu. in order to elicit information.

[US]C. Stoker Thicker ’n Thieves 263: Despite the fact that I was given the full treatment, I refused to answer questions.
[UK]‘P.B. Yuill’ Hazell and the Three-card Trick (1977) 172: I do hope he hasn’t given Vera the treatment. One ov her best features, her teeth.
[US]J. Buskey Tinged Valor 26: ‘Officer Gabriel, we’re on to your little game out here and we don’t like it at all. [...]. Don’t force us to give you the treatment!’.