Green’s Dictionary of Slang

mush n.5

also moosh

a moustache.

[UK]C. Drummond Death at Furlong Post 181: Take my oath it’s he [...] with his hair parted..and the mush shaved off his lip [OED].
‘dravidian brahmin’ posting 7 Aug. at 🌐 As we all know from tamil films, bravery, virility and potency are directly proportional to the size of a man’s moustache [...] many of the 97.5% of brahmins that you so kindly mentioned do not sport a moosh. Therefore they are impotent.
R. Guy ‘Musiri Subramania Iyer’ at 🌐 Tukaram has a moustache and as Musiri was a clean-shaving Brahmin a ‘mush’ was attached to his upper lip.