Green’s Dictionary of Slang

prom trotter n.

(US) a young woman who frequents society dances; thus prom-trotting, attending such dances.

[US]F.S. Fitzgerald This Side of Paradise 120: A certain Phyllis Styles, ann intercollegiate prom-trotter, had failed to get her yearly invitation to the Harvard-Princeton game.
[US]J. O’Hara Appointment in Samarra 132: She was getting to be a prom trotter, too, as much as Bryn Mawr would permit.
[US]J. O’Hara Butterfield 8 134: Gloria was immensely popular with boys, and in a less strict school she could have been intercollegiate prom-trotting champion.
[US]Life 10 Dec. 79/1: [The dress] makes even the bounciest prom trotter look maidenly and demure.