Green’s Dictionary of Slang

hetero n.

also heter
[hetero adj.]


[US]W. Burroughs letter May in Harris (1993) 88: I simply do not recognize such an entity as a ‘neurotic heter with strong queer leanings’.
[UK]A. Sinclair My Friend Judas (1963) 32: His sensibilities cruelly pricked by the ruderies of horrible hearties and heteros and heavies.
[US]Harper’s Mag. 108: Homosexual persons, in the nature of their persuasion, are somehow less trustworthy and stable than heteros.
[UK]G.F. Newman You Flash Bastard 106: Once accepting the principle of one person loving another, Sneed guessed that homos could do it as well as heteros.
[US]Maledicta IX 167: It was presumably no more homosexual than the nightly romps of heteros all over these United States.
[UK]Indep. Rev. 9 July 19: A hard-and-fast thesis on ‘the heteros and the homos’.
[UK]Indep. Rev. 20 Jan. 5: Bazza is straight, he’s a bloody hetero!
Hobbs & Wright (eds) The SAGE Handbook of Fieldwork 195: The researcher heard other students calling her a bisexual, a ‘hetero’, and a lemon (lesbian).