Green’s Dictionary of Slang

fie for shame n.

[all are things seen as shameful]

1. breeches.

[UK]Egan Bk of Sports 158: Manuel, attired [...] in a red waistcoat that looked like an infantry shell, and nankeen fie-for-shames that reached to his calves.
[US]Boston Blade 8 July n.p.: Our costume will consist of yellow nankeen ‘fie-for-shames’, green swallow-tail coat, and white hat.

2. the vagina [note the common use, e.g. throughout DSUE, of the euph. Lat. pudendum (lit. ‘that of which one ought to be ashamed’), as the definition for the many sl. terms for the female genitals].

[UK]Farmer & Henley Sl. and Its Analogues.
[UK]Farmer Vocabula Amatoria (1966) 160: Ignomie, f. The female pudendum; ‘the fie-for-shame’.
[US]Maledicta IV:2 (Winter) 183: A lot of the fun of sexual activity lies in its forbidden nature [...] Examples occur in such phrases as [...] party (or parts) of shame, fie for shame.

3. tights.

[Ire](con. 1890s) S. O’Casey Pictures in the Hallway 295: An’ how d’ye like me, she added roguishly, in a fie-for-shame costume?