Green’s Dictionary of Slang

understandings n.1


1. boots or shoes.

[UK]G. Parker Life’s Painter v. 36: He [i.e. a cobbler] had frequently furnished men of the first rank (bishops not excepted) with understandings of the best sort.
[UK]Pierce Egan’s Life in London 26 Dec. 381/3: This patcher of queer understandings.
[UK]J. Grant Sketches in London 87: His toes began to peep out between the soles and uppers of his ‘understandings’ — as he sometimes facetiously called his boots.
[Aus]Bell’s Life in Sydney 9 May 2/3: We prefer to go to the approved boot-maker to improve our ‘understandings’ rather than appeal to the pretensious [sic] ‘snob’.
[Scot]Dundee, Perth &Cupar Advertiser 14 May 7/5: Bright understandings!!! Harper Twelvetrees’ New Government Blacking As supplied to the Horse Guards.
[Scot]Fife Herald 24 Oct. 3/1: On awakening [he] found he was minus his boots! It is conjectured that some needy tramp had eased him of his understandings.
[UK]Sl. Dict. (5th edn) 333: Men who wear exceptionally large or thick boots, are said to possess good understandings.
[UK]Dover Exp. 25 Sept. 1/4: Coulthard and Wilson’s Poetic Appeal to the ‘Understandings’ of the People. ‘Boots and Shoes in beauty rare [...] Boots and Shoes in leather strong’.
[UK]Derby Dly Teleg. 11 May 1/5: Sound understandings, remarkably cheap, will wear the floor out, only at Crooks’.
[UK]Hull Dly Mail 12 Jan. 3/3: ‘What would you do if you were in my shoes, Jephson?’ asked Hobbs. ‘Black ’em,’ replied Jephson, eyeing Hobbs’ understandings critically.
[Aus]Crowe Aus. Sl. Dict. 90: Understandings [...] one’s boots.
[UK]Hull Dly Mail 29 Apr. 2/4: Good Understandings [...] ‘Benefit’ Boots and Shoes.
[UK]Western Dly Press 26 May 2/3: [headline] Good Understandings. Big Increase in Boot Repairs.

2. the legs.

[UK]Lancet 22 Mar. 920/1: He moves on, his plump, well-formed, little ‘understandings’ twinkling in the lustre of black silk hose .
[UK]R. Nicholson Cockney Adventures 13 Jan. 87: A lady [...] sat opposite, with her understandings encased, as Nancy very properly suspected, in the fine white hose.
True Flash (NY) 4 Dec. n.p.: A man who had hobbled about on wooden pegs [...] took a whole bottle of the ‘Elixir of Life’ and [...] found himself the next morning dancing on a pair of natural understandings.
[UK]R.S. Surtees Hillingdon Hall I 129: Unless a man spends ’alf his time at ’Owell and James’s, or Swan and Hedgar’s [...] waitin’ for to see the gals get into their chays, he has no possible chance o’ knowin’ wot sort o’ understandin’s they have.
[US]Broadway Belle (NY) 1 Jan. n.p.: Lizzie [...] must wear high boots that will conceal her captivating understandings.
[Aus]Illawarra Mercury (Wollongong, NSW) 18 Sept. 4/1: A racehorse with damaged legs is described [...] as ‘done up in his pins’ and [...] ‘weak in his understanding,’ or ‘shaky in his timbers’.
[UK]Wrexham Advertiser 2 Mar. 7/1: In the language of the prize-ring [...] a man has not [...] legs, but ‘pins’ or ‘understandings’s.
[Aus]Bulletin (Sydney) 30 Oct. 8/3: The ‘understandings’ displayed by Miss Annie Montague [...] on the boards of the Melbourne Opera House, are something to dream of.
[US]Nat. Police Gaz. (NY) 9 Oct. 13: [pic. caption] Mrs Jane Sanders Hires a Coupe [...] Shoves Her Feet through the Window and Exposes a Pair of Understandings That Electrify a Cabby.
[Aus]Field 20 Mar. n.p.: Economy’s understandings having given way soon after, he knew the silk no more [F&H].
[Aus]Dead Bird (Sydney) 12 Apr. 4/3: A well-known masher [...] tried to dance a Scotch reel on wheels that Gracie might notice his understandings [...] his Scotch kilts flopping in the breeze.
[Aus]Crowe Aus. Sl. Dict. 90: Understandings, feet [sic].
[Aus]Bulletin (Sydney) 2 July 34/4: I have made the alarming discovery that nearly 75 per cent. of Sydney is gone in the legs! One of my own understandings being out of gear, I’m instinctively interested in those of others.
[Aus]Sun. Times (Perth) 25 June 1/1: The shapely understandings of a Newcastle nymph have caused a great thrill.
[Aus]Bulletin (Sydney) 12 Dec. 24/4: Stockings that furnish glimpses of ankles white and neat, / When those shapely understandings go pattering down the street.
[Ire]Joyce Ulysses 355: Typist going up Roger Greene’s stairs two at a time to show her understandings.