Green’s Dictionary of Slang

slit n.

1. with ref. to a woman.

(a) the vagina.

[US] in E. Cray Erotic Muse (1992) 2: The old wife got up for to take a long shit. (2x) / The God damned old sea crab grabbed her by the slit.
[UK]R. Herrick ‘Upon Scobble’ Hesperides 47: Scobble for Whoredome whips his wife; and cryes, / He’ll slit her nose; [...] she replyes, / Good Sir, make no more cuts i’ th’ outward skin, / One slit’s enough to let Adultry in.
[UK]S. Butler ‘Dildoides’ in Rochester & Others Works (1739) 183: Some were for tender Virgins fit, / Some for the large salacious Slit / Of a rank Lady.
[UK] ‘My Thing is my Own’ in Farmer Merry Songs and Ballads (1897) I 196: He talk’d of a slit I had above [my] Knee, / But I’ll have no Taylors to stitch it for me.
[UK]Dialogue between a Married Lady and a Maid I: All this while I was out of myself, he put his Finger into the Slit.
[UK]Cleland Memoirs of a Woman of Pleasure (1985) 25: I twisted my thighs, squeezed, and compress’d the lips of that virgin-slit.
[Scot]Gentleman’s Bottle-Companion 3: The first was a Carpenter, he thought it fit, / With a rum-ti-dum, &c. / With a bonny broad axe to give it a slit.
[UK]Nunnery Amusements 7: In her white hand a Dildoe stout she holds, / Ready to plunge into her Slit’s soft folds.
[UK]‘Bumper Allnight. Esquire’ Honest Fellow 154: And into the bargain I gave you the glim, / [...] /Tho’ my slit you examin’d, and look’d very grim.
[UK] ‘Sam Swipes’ Cuckold’s Nest 21: A tailor then came, with his needle so long, / And two balls of cotton to do the job strong, / He examined her opening, and quickly thought fit / To go to work at her, to stop up her ...
[UK]‘My Thing Is My Own’ in Fake Away Songster in Spedding & Watt (eds) Bawdy Songbooks (2011) III 284: [as 1700] .
[UK]E. Sellon Phoebe Kissagen 39: She, rolling her tongue first down one side of my slit and then down the other, then on the clitoris, then right inside, gave me joy inexpressible.
[UK] ‘Lady Pokingham’ in Pearl 2 Aug. 19: [...] fitting the bead of his pego into her slit, [she] soon pressed down so as to take in and quite cover the first inch of it.
[UK]‘Experiences of a Cunt Philosopher’ in Randiana 66: Cunt, and what of it? A nasty, slimy, slobbery, slit, / Half-an-inch between arse and it.
[US]‘Bob Sterling’ Town-Bull 19: A pego, that the thought of a new slit to raid, had lifted into a giant hard.
[UK]Forbidden Fruit n.p.: My hand was groping to get a finger in her slit.
[US]Kate Percival Life & Amours (1967) I 59: My slit is on fire — come Clarence, drive your delicious pego into my vitals.
[UK]Lustful Memoirs of a Young and Passionated Girl 39: While he was rubbing the head of his staff in my slit I told him it felt good.
[US]H. Miller Roofs of Paris (1983) 169: Some of them have cunts as big as your hat and some of them have little slits.
[US]N. Heard Howard Street 179: When that White lady’s ready, a [...] chick can stick a pepperoni up her slit for all I care.
[US]L. Kramer Faggots 322: He is fucking a Woman, his prick is in her slit.
[Aus]‘Thommo’ Dict. Aus. Swearing & Sex Sayings 119: SLIT — Female vagina.
[US]‘Victoria Parker’ Pay for Play Cheerleaders 🌐 He made sloppy, slurpy noises as he sucked and licked her shiny slit, slicking and sliding his tongue up and down, then twirling it on Chrissie’s clit.
[US]‘Bill E. Goodhead’ Nubile Treat 🌐 He set the swollen knob of his cock at the lips of her slit and shoved it in.
[US]‘Randy Everhard’ Tattoo of a Naked Lady 222: I steered my cockhead inside her slit.

(b) a derog. term for a woman.

[US]Pittsburgh Courier (PA) 22 Aug. 7/6: Slit — (a boy or girl).
[US](con. 1944) N. Mailer Naked and Dead 239: There’s just two ingredients to have a good [party], enough to drink and some willing slits.
[US]Frank Zappa ‘Bwana Dik’ 🎵 My God, Madge . . . you voluptuous New York City slit.
[US](con. 1949) J.G. Dunne True Confessions (1979) 7: The Sliced-Up Slit Case [...] The Missing Clit Caper.
[US]J. Stahl Plainclothes Naked (2002) 185: Iell you the truth, I wish the slit would come back now.

2. (also sliteye) a derog. term for an Asian or East Asian person; thus slit-eyed adj. [the supposed shape of their eye].

[UK]R. Holles Now thrive the Armourers 58: ‘I wonder what slit-eyed yellow basket will be kipping in my sleeping-bag to-night,’ growled a burly lance-corporal.
[Aus]T.A.G. Hungerford Riverslake 202: You mean the slit-eyes?
[UK]Stewart & Wood ‘Every Picture Tells a Story’ 🎵 I fell in love with a slit-eyed lady.
[US]E. Folb Runnin’ Down Some Lines 57: The most common target for pejorative stereotyping is the shape of an Asian person’s eyes. This is seen in [...] slants, slant eyes, slits.
[US]F. Bill Donnybrook [ebook] ‘Up yours, slit-eye. Ain’t telling you shit!’.

In compounds