calico n.1
(US) a woman.
‘Naked Buff’ in Town Mistress 24: [title] Naked Buff, or, the Downfall of the Callicoes. | ||
Glance at N.Y. II v: Come up to-night, and I’ll show you as gallus a piece of calico as any on de floor. | ||
Wkly Rake (NY) 30 July n.p.: wants to knowIf shilling calico is not plenty near the corner of F. street. | ||
Artemus Ward, His Book 32: The gals among you, sum of which air as slick pieces of caliker as I ever sot eyes on. | ||
Black-Eyed Beauty 9: Why, the worst bit of calico that ever an engine runner knew would be an angel to that woman! | ||
Lantern (N.O.) 28 May 3: If he likes old faded calico let him buy it, but can’t he change the color? [Ibid.] Tom is a dandy and he likes a piece of new calico. | ||
Pink Marsh (1963) 129: I got no money to waste on no piece o’ calico. | ||
DN II:i 26: calico, often abb. calic, n. A woman, individually as a companion to a man, or collectively wherever sex plays a part in social life. | ‘College Words and Phrases’ in||
Lincs. Echo 22 Nov. 2/4: In an article on college slang in the United States [...] a woman is a ‘calico’ or a ‘calic’. | ||
🎵 You'll spot some lovely railways / And some bits of calico. | [perf. Kate Carney] Our Threepenny Hop||
DN III:v 409: calico, n. Used to denote a woman. ‘She’s a good piece of calico’. | in ‘Word-List From Aroostook’ in||
Coll. Stories (1994) 39: Know anything about the calico? | ‘Above the Law’ in||
Sun (NY) 4 May 2/4: His picturesque winning of that engaging ‘little slip of calico’. | ||
Pulps (1970) 59/2: I ain’t no gossipin’ bit of calico. | ‘The Ghost’ in Goodstone||
Cowboy Lingo 199: There being ‘no calico on the range,’ women-hungry men sometimes secured wives through these agencies. | ||
Westerners’ Brand Book 120: Bill had a bad case of ‘calico fever,’ or, in other words, was woman crazy [DA]. | ||
, | (ref. to pre-1920s) DAS 85/1: calico n. 1. A girl or woman [...] In use until c.1920. | |
eye mag. 8 July 🌐 He thought she was a real bit of all right, a bunch of calico, a commodity, a freak mommy fawn. | ‘A dirty little story’ in