Green’s Dictionary of Slang

bubble and squeak n.2

[rhy. sl. ]

1. a schoolmaster [beak n.1 (5)].

[UK]R. Puxley Cockney Rabbit.

2. a magistrate [beak n.1 (1)].

[UK]Partridge DSUE (8th edn) 143/1: late C.19–20.

3. chatter, small talk [bubble (and squeak) v.].

[US](con. c.1944) Kaplan & Smith One Last Look 82: Small Talk [...] Bubble and squeak.

4. a Greek.

[UK]J. Franklyn Dict. of Rhy. Sl. 44/1: bubble and squeak (1) Greek [...] In use before 1914.
[Aus]R. Aven-Bray Ridgey-Didge Oz Jack Lang 19: Bubble and Squeak Greek.
[Scot]I. Rankin Wolfman 69: ‘I’ve seen a lot of bubbles coming out of it.’ [...] ‘Bubble and squeak,’ he said. Then a pause. ‘Greeks, right?’.
[UK]R. Puxley Cockney Rabbit.
[UK]M. Coles More Bible in Cockney 101: His old man was a Bubble-and-squeak.
[UK]D. MacShane Prison Diaries 359: Del tries to improve my rhyming slang knowledge. [...] I love ‘bubble and squeak’ for Greek.

5. a creek.

[UK]E. Hill Territory 446: You take the drive-me-silly and go down to the bubble-and-squeak and get some mother-and-daughter, and I’ll light the Molly Maguire and we’ll have some Gypsy Lee.

6. a week.

[UK]R. Barker Fletcher’s Book of Rhy. Sl.
[UK]R. Puxley Cockney Rabbit.
[UK]B. Kirkpatrick Wicked Cockney Rhy. Sl.

7. (Aus.) an act of urination [ = leak n. (2)].

[Aus]Pete’s Aussie Sl. Home Page 🌐 bubble and squeak: a leak, to urinate.
[UK] B. Dark Dirty Cockney Rhy. Sl.