Green’s Dictionary of Slang

roti ou n.

[Hind. roti, bread (in the form of a chapatti) + Afk. ou, a fellow]

(S.Afr.) a Hindi speaker.

The 1820 51:12 19: The Afrikaans word ou seems to have caught on in Natal just as much as in other parts of the country. There are chaar ous (Indians); roti ous (Hindi speakers) — this name is obviously derived from the fact that roti, a type of flat bread, was an important part of the diet of certain Hindi-speaking Indians [DSAE].
L.A. Barnes in Eng. Usage in Southern Africa XVII:2 4: Different ethnic groups are referred to by terms such as char ous, ‘Indians’, gora, ‘White man’, and roti ou ‘Hindi speaking person’ [DSAE].
R. Mesthrie Lex. of S. Afr. Indian Eng. 116: Roti-ou n. A male of North Indian origin, in whose household roti... is traditionally a favoured preparation [DSAE].
S. Nuttall Beautiful / Ugly: African and Diaspora Aesthetics 26: Was I a porridge ou by birth, if not by inclination, and possibly, treacherously, a roti ou by association?