Green’s Dictionary of Slang

Meow n.

[play on chemical name methadrone (4-methylmethcathinone) a.k.a. 4mmCAT ]

2000s+ drugs Mephedrone.

Urban Dict. 2 Nov. 🌐 Her: What the hell have you been taking, you look awful! Him: I've been on "meow" tonight .
[US]Esquire 1 Sept. 🌐 Shortly going to [...] hit AB1 for the boozual. Usually teaming with office clout. £50 and line of Meow on the table for the first one with smelly fingers. 🌐 Mephedrone (sometimes called ‘meow meow’) is a powerful stimulant and is part of a group of drugs that are closely related to the amphetamines.