Green’s Dictionary of Slang

expecting adj.

[abbr. SE expecting a baby]


E. Waugh Dead Man’s Dinner 16: Matty’s in what country folk call th’ expectin’ way.
[UK]H. Baumann Londinismen (2nd edn).
[Aus]K.S. Prichard Working Bullocks 186: He said his missus was ‘expecting’.
[UK]W. Holtby South Riding (1988) 68: Her poor ma was always expecting.
[UK]J. Curtis There Ain’t No Justice 170: There’s lots of mothers round this way what’s expecting who’d rather have me in to their confinement than any of your hospital doctors.
[US]O. Strange Sudden Takes the Trail 10: You see, she’s expectin’.
[US]Piersall & Hirshberg Fear Strikes Out 77: We were expecting again, and this time the doctors assured us that everything would be all right.
[UK](con. c.1920) D. Holman-Hunt My Grandmothers and I (1987) 92: ‘Is the cat all right? It looks very swollen.’ ‘Expecting as usual.’ said Helen.
[UK]J.R. Ackerley We Think The World Of You (1971) 10: She’s expectin’.
[UK]Guardian Travel 31 July 10: She knew I was expecting!