Green’s Dictionary of Slang

smut n.

1. pornography, obscenity; thus smut-book n., a pornographic book; smuts n., pornographic photographs [SE smut, a black stain; i.e. the identification of sexuality and ‘dirt’].

[UK]J. Collier Profanesse and Immorality of the Stage (1730) 207: When he has larded his Scenes with Smut, and play’d his jests on Religion [...] what can a dry line or two of good Counsel signify?
J. Addison Lover 39: He... will talk smut, though a priest and his mother be in the room [F&H].
[UK]Fielding Letter Writers III i: com.: Prithee, what are the Letters? rak.: I believe, Sir, you may guess what Business is between them and me. com.: Herakee, Tom – There is no Smut in them.
[UK]Grose Classical Dict. of the Vulgar Tongue.
[UK]Lex. Balatronicum.
[UK] ‘The Chaffing Family’ in Nobby Songster 13: There’s Bet and there’s Nancy the brazen young sluts, / Are chaffing of Henry singing his smuts, / For he’s such a cove, he’s never at rest, / Unless he is chaunting out the ‘Cuckoo’s Nest’.
[UK] in Punch ‘Dear Bill, This Stone-Jug’ 31 Jan. n.p.: But the lark’s when a goney up with us they shut / As ain’t up to our lurks, our flash patter, and smut.
[UK]Randiana 73: [He] found me dozing over [...] the latest chic book from Mr. ---, the renouned smut emporium.
[UK]W.H. Davies Beggars 104: Pictures – smuts.
[UK]P. Marks Plastic Age 98: [He] read every ‘smut’ book that he could lay his hands on.
[US]Irwin Amer. Tramp and Und. Sl. 174: Smuts.–Obscene pictures or postcards. Smutty pictures or literature as peddled by fakirs or tramps.
[UK]A. Wesker Roots II i: He were a one for smut though.
[US]L. Bruce Essential Lenny Bruce 43: Jews and all the smut books.
[Aus]Aus. Women’s Wkly 14 Aug. 43/6: Isn’t it enough that we must tolerate the bombardment of pornography through smut films and magazines?
[US]D. DeLillo Running Dog (1992) 139: You go into smut in a big way, you’ll find these methods aren’t so unique.
[US](con. early 1950s) J. Ellroy L.A. Confidential 97: The topic pornography. ‘Picture-book smut.’.
[UK]Observer 29 Aug. 27: Like a lot of women, I’ve got a relatively high threshold for smut.
[NZ]D. Looser Boobslang [U. Canterbury D.Phil. thesis] 171/2: smut book n. a pornographic magazine.
V. Blue Best Women’s Erotica 2007 194: She is a strong advocate of the beautifully transformative power of smut.
[US]F. Bill ‘Amphetamine Twitch’ in Crimes in Southern Indiana [ebook] No smut tapes here, Officer.
[US]J. Ellroy Widespread Panic 22: They delivered the dish on the smut-film troika.

2. a chimney-sweep.

[UK]‘The chimney sweeper’s garland’ in May-Day 19: Poor little Smut the Chimney-Sweeper, / With fist applied to blood shot peeper.
[UK]Flash Mirror 16: A cove turn’d nose and blow’d you, so the beaks are areter you [...] There’s the kibosh on you, my double smut.

3. copper, a copper boiler, lead, a furnace [its smokiness].

[UK]Lex. Balatronicum n.p.: Smut. A copper. A grate. Old iron. The cove was lagged for a smut: the fellow was transported for stealing a copper.
[Aus]Vaux Vocab. of the Flash Lang.
[UK]Egan Grose’s Classical Dict. of the Vulgar Tongue.
[UK]G. Smeeton Doings in London 254: They substitute in the place of such articles as much smut (copper or lead) as they can stow away.
[UK]Hotten Dict. of Modern Sl. etc. (2nd edn).
[UK]Hotten Sl. Dict.
[UK]Sl. Dict.
[Aus]Crowe Aus. Sl. Dict. 76: Smut, a copper boiler.

4. a white dog with dark markings.

[UK]Pierce Egan’s Life in London 17 Oct. 5/1: The animal competitors were razor, a white dog [...] and Driver, a fallow smut.

5. (Aus.) a barrister [? his black gown].

[Aus]Bulletin (Sydney) `12 Mar. 12/1: A barrister of some reputation in Brisbane has bad to pat up with the rough side of the tongue from more than one of his brother ‘smuts’ lately.

6. (US black) a derog. term for a woman.

[Ire]L. Mackay My Oul’ Town 124: To think that Kitty Morgan would make so free with my partner, the ill-mannered smut!
[US]Ebonics Primer at 🌐 smut Definition: another name for a dirty nasty female. Example: That nasty ass smut better have my money.

7. (US campus) a prostitute.

[US]Eble Campus Sl. Apr. 4: smut – prostitutes: In the summer all the smut comes out half-naked.

In compounds

smut-face (n.)

(US) a Native American.

[US]Weekly Kansas Chief (Troy, KS) 30 Jan. 1/2: ‘A venimious Osage smut-face!’ said Sneak [...] dragging an Indian after him.
smut-hound (n.) [-hound sfx; coined by H.L. Mencken (1880–1956) and one of the coinages (along with bible belter + booboisie), of which he was ‘vainest’ (letter, 2 December 1927)]

one who is obsessed by the tiniest trace of obscenity, esp. in the arts or media; thus a censor.

L. Untermeyer Heavens 78: [...] a snitcher, a smut-hound, in brief, an ass.
[US]H. Wakem [title] Diary of a Smut-Hound: a Crusader for Morality in Literature Supplies the World with a Valuable Insight Into His Life and Habits.
[US]Monteleone Criminal Sl. (rev. edn) 215: smut hound A reformer.
[UK] K. Tynan [title] The Royal Smut-Hound.
M. Boulton Anatomy of Literary Studies 70: Editions intended for school use, and some other editions, are often marred by bowdlerization; silly and immature though it is to sniff like a smut-hound through literature.
smut session (n.)

(US gang) a period given over to sexually explicit talk.

[US]F.M. Thrasher Gang 50: The most rudimentary form of collective behavior in the gang is interstimulation and response among its own members— [...] the rehearsal of adventure, or a ‘smut session’.
smutt-butt (n.) [SE smut + butt n.1 (1a)]

(US campus) a derog. term for a black student.

[US]G. Underwood ‘Razorback Sl.’ in AS L:1/2 66: smutt butt n Black (derogatory, white use).
[US]I.L. Allen Lang. of Ethnic Conflict 47: Color Allusions, Other than ‘Black’ and ‘Negro’: […] smutt-butt.