Green’s Dictionary of Slang

mobilize v.

also mobilise, mopolize
[SE mob but note mopel, to abort]

(US, esp. N.Y.) of street gangs, to beat up, to vanquish.

[US]S. Ornitz Haunch Paunch and Jowl 39: The Irish lads shouted, ‘Kill the Christ killers,’ and the Jewish boys cried, ‘Mopolize the Micks.’ (A strange word, probably coming from the root mopel, to abort. In any event it implied the direst punishment).
[US]H. Roth Call It Sleep (1977) 269: Maybe you ain’ gonna ged mobilized.
[US]S. Kingsley Dead End Act I: Aw, I’ll mobilize yuh!
[US]B. Appel Power-House 24: Cut the cryin’ or I’ll mobilize you.
[Ire](con. 1950s) C. Kenneally Maura’s Boy 24: I’m soaked. They’re me new anklets; me Mam will mobilise me.