Green’s Dictionary of Slang

flirt n.

also flurt
[SE flirt]

a prostitute.

[UK]Florio Worlde of Wordes n.p.: Mucciaccia, a wench, a girle, a lasse, a harlot, a strumpet, a flurt, a minx, a trull, a gixie.
N. Breton Pasquils Fooles-cap I 22: [She] that doth keepe an Inne for euery Guest [or] make a Smocke euen measure with a Shirt ... a Foolish flirt.
[UK]R. Cotgrave Dict. of Fr. and Eng. Tongues n.p.: Gaultiere [...] A whore, punke, drab, queane, gill, flirt, strumpet, cockatrice, mad wench, common hackney, good one.
[UK]Etherege Man of Mode II 1 72: An idle Town Flurt, with a painted Face.
[UK]Motteux (trans.) Pantagruelian Prognostications (1927) II 693: Those whom Venus is said to rule as punks, jilts, flirts.

In compounds

flirt-gill (n.) (also flirt-gillian) [SE gill, a lass, a wench]

a prostitute; a promiscuous woman (cf. gill-flirt n.).

[UK]Shakespeare Romeo and Juliet II iii: I am none of his flirt-gills; I am none of his skainsmates.
[UK]Beaumont & Fletcher Knight of the Burning Pestle IV i: You heard him take me vp like a flirt Gill, and sing baudy songs vpon me.
[UK]W. Haughton English-Men For My Money A3: And you, forsooth, you flur[t]gill, minion A brat scant folded in the dozens at most.
[UK]Fletcher Chances III i: Thou took’st me up at every word I spoke As I had been a Mawkin, a flirt Gillian.
[UK]Guardian 26: We are invested with a parcel of flirt-gills, who are not capable of being mothers of brave men [F&H].