Green’s Dictionary of Slang

after n.


(Aus./US) afternoon.

[Aus]E. Dyson Fact’ry ’Ands 104: Iv yeh don’t do yer fair share iv yacker this after, I’ll punt ther slacks off yer.
[Aus]‘A “Push” Story’ in Bulletin (Sydney) 2 Sept. 17/1: [A] bunch uv barrackers are torn fr’m th’ ’ome circle. A pair uv Johns rumbled ’em away in th’ confinement coach [...] this arfter.
Smith’s Wkly 20 Aug. 11/1: Slanguage. Time allowed: ’Arf the flamin’ after.
[US]J.H. O’Hara Appointment in Samarra 46: Tonight, or this after’, when Ed showed up at the Apollo, he probably would be in a bad humour.
[Aus]J. Mulgan Man Alone 235: Boss wants us to get the hay in up top this after [OED].
H. Drake-Brockman Fatal Days n.p.: Did you see Mr Scrown this after, Les?