Green’s Dictionary of Slang

busnacking n.

also buzznacking, buzznaking
[dial. buzz, to move around in an agitated manner + dial. knack, to talk in an affected manner; ? link to SE nag; note naut. jargon busk, to tack about]

1. waiting around, wasting time.

[UK]H. Kingsley Hillyars and Burtons (1870) 186: I’ll not be kep’ busnacking here in the rain.

2. prying, interfering, butting in.

[UK]J. Ware Passing Eng. of the Victorian Era 57/2: Busnacking (Navy). Equals Paul Prying—unduly interfering.

3. acting in an excessively fussy, officious manner.

[Aus]J. Furphy Such is Life 283: Magomery, he’s buzznackin’ roun’ the run as usual.
[Aus]Bulletin (Sydney) 13 Aug. 14/4: If I fell ill she came buzz-nakin’ round with medicines, ’n’ poultrees, ’n’ broth, ’n’ it got that way ’twasn’t safe fer a man t’ have anythin’ th’ matter with him.