Green’s Dictionary of Slang

Hawaiian adj.

Proper name in slang uses

In compounds

Hawaiian disease (n.)

1. the lack of female company.

[US]H. Rawson Dict. of Invective (1991) 272: It has been reported that military personnel stationed in Hawaii during World War II suffered grievously from lackanookie, also called lackanookemia or ‘that old Hawaiian disease’ (AS, 12/47).

2. (gay) being homosexual, i.e. the lack of women [from sense 1, but also Hawaii’s large homosexual population].

[US]Maledicta IX 56: Hawaiian disease n [R] Absence of women, or ‘lakanuki’; homosexual slang.
Hawaiian sunshine (n.)

(drugs) LSD.

[US] S.N. Pradhan Drug Abuse.
[US] AS LVII:4 289: When LSD is mixed with other drugs [...] [s]uch mixtures are today called [...] Hawaiian sunshine.
[US]ONDCP Street Terms 11: Hawaiian sunshine — LSD.