Green’s Dictionary of Slang

schmeer v.

also schmear, schmeer up, shmeer, shmere, smear (up)
[Yid. schmir, to apply ointment, to lubricate]

1. to bribe; to flatter and cajole someone.

[UK]D. Ahearn Confessions of a Gunman 221: I can’t see into that smearing up business, because when they are smearing up with you, they are looking to kill you.
[US]Goldin et al. DAUL 185/1: Schmear, v. To bribe [...] 2. To flatter; mollify.
[US]L. Rosten Joys of Yiddish 353: Do the officials expect to be shmeered there?
[US]S.J. Perelman letter 11 July in Crowther Don’t Tread on Me (1987) 264: He was constantly buying us drinks and schmeering us up.

2. to spend money.

[US]A. Kober Parm Me 154: You shmere here, you shmere there, and when you finndished shmereing hoomuch is left by you in pocket?