Green’s Dictionary of Slang

jawing-tackle n.

also jawing-tack, jaw-tackle
[jaw v.1 plus naut. imagery]

the mouth, the tongue, as used in talking; thus have one’s jawing tackle/tack on board, to be cheeky or impudent.

[UK]Sporting Mag. Sept. XIV 325/1: Your jawing-tackle’s at its proper pitch, / Get out, you nasty ugly swab-fac’d b—ch.
[UK]Jack Randall’s Diary 9: Tom had not half a quartern pour’d, Before Jack Randall we could see, / His jawing tackle had on board, Which soon he tipp’d the Company.
[[UK] Egan Grose’s Classical Dict. of the Vulgar Tongue n.p.: Jawing Tackle on Board. To be saucy or impudent. Sea slang].
[UK]Pierce Egan’s Life in London 9 July 605/1: [T]the Duke generally has his jawing-tack on board, and, like Major Longbow, he is an adept at throwing the hatchet .
[Scot]Caledonian Mercury 5 Jan. 4/2: These two chaps let go their wedding tackle at me, and said [etc.].
[UK]Navy at Home II 228: Aye, aye, you’re all got your jawing tacks abroad — brag’s a good dog but holdfast is better.
[US]Columbia Democrat (Bloomsburg, PA) 18 Nov. 4/3: Belay your jawing tackle, you Jarman [i.e German] lubber.
[US]R. Carlton New Purchase I 204: He was compelled to place one hand under his jaw [...] to support his ‘jawing tackle’.
[US]W.E. Burton Waggeries and Vagaries 13: Then he took a ‘spell ho!’ at the jawin’ tackle.
[Aus]Bell’s Life in Sydney 22 Jan. 3/4: In comes this old woman [...] and sets her jaw-tackle agoin at Ann.
[UK]Era (London) 23 May 14/2: Mr Anderson said he had got a speech to make, and a friend, in jest, inquired if he had got his jawing tackle on board.
[UK]Leeds Times 24 Aug. 6/1: ‘Stop his jawing tackle,’ said another.
[Ind]H. Hartigan Stray Leaves (1st ser.) 216: [She] had been told once by a sister with whom she had on one occasion got her jawing-tackle on board [...] to parade herself properly shaved for her inspection.
[UK]Morpeth Herald 16 Mar. 6/4: Keep your weather eye open and your jawing tackle aboard, as the sailors say.
[UK]Lichfield Mercury 18 Jan. 6/3: At which they all roared out — ‘Oh, dam’me madame, your jawing tackle’s at it’s proper pitch [...] Go hang yourself’.
[UK]Leeds Times 31 Jan. n.p.: Jim there has always got plenty of jawing tackle aboard.
[Aus]Dead Bird (Sydney) 30 Nov. 5/1: Stow your jawin’ tackle and you’ll always win your heat.
[UK]Boy’s Own Paper 15 Apr. 451: When I tells ’im he mustn’t, he lets loose his jawing tackle.
[Scot]Eve. Post (Dundee) 24 Jan. 5/7: Belay your jawing tackle, snarled the officer.
[Scot]Eve. Teleg. (Dundee) 2 Dec. 8/1: They [...] became insolent to their mate [and] told him to belay his jawing tackle .