Green’s Dictionary of Slang

Ruffian’s Hall n.

also Ruffin Castle, Ruffin’s Hall

that area of London, now Smithfield, where trials of skill were held among ‘ordinary, Ruffianly people, with Sword and Buckler’ (T. Blount, Glossographia, 1674); thus phr. he is only fit for Ruffian’s Hall, used of an over-dressed apprentice.

[UK]Nashe Pierce Pennilesse 39: Men will need carouse, conspire, and quarrell, that they may make Ruffians hall of Hell.
[UK]Chapman & Jonson Eastward Ho! I i: Heyday, Ruffians’ Hall! Sword, pumps, here’s a racket indeed!
J. Stow Annals of England (1631) 1024/1: This field commonly called West-Smithfield, was for many yeares called Ruffians hall, by reason it was the vsuall place of Frayes and common fighting.
[UK]Massinger City-Madam I ii: Beat down their weapons. My gate ruffians hall.
[UK]Fuller Worthies (1840) II 347: ‘He is only fit for Ruffian’s-hall’. A ruffian is the same with a swaggerer, so called because endeavouring to make that side to swag or weigh down, whereon he engageth.
[UK]J. Ray Proverbs 242: He is only fit for Ruffians-hall.
[UK]Pope Dunciad II 27: Long Chanc’y-lane [...] And courts to courts return it round and round; Thames wafts it thence to Rufus’ [sic] roaring hall And H-----d re-ecchoes, bawl for bawl.
[Scot]W. Scott Peveril of the Peak I 117: I would rather have starved in the darkest and lowest vault of Ruffin Castle, than have consented.
[UK] (ref. to late 16C) ‘Richardson, the Showman’ in Bentley’s Misc. Feb. 180: Smithfield became [....] a scene of cruel executions; and one where, as old Stow acquaints us, loose serving-men and quarrelsome persons resorted and made uproars, thus becoming the rendezvous of bullies and bravoes, till it earned the appropriate name of ‘Ruffians’ Hall.’.