Green’s Dictionary of Slang

bundy n.

[the proprietary name of a brand of rum, ult. f. the town in Queensland]

(Aus.) Bundaberg rum.

[Aus]J. O’Grady Gone Troppo (1969) 14: Other bloke comes back to camp with supplies from town . . . box of groceries, few cases o’ Bundy.
D. Sheahan Songs from Canefield 85: And some to drown their sorrow tore into Bundy Rum. / Old Bund yis the dinkum stuff that serves a fellow well / Whether heading for Paradise or going to ‘Inverell.’ [AND].
[Aus]R. Beckett Dinkum Aussie Dict. 55: Virgin’s ruin: Although in international parlance this is held to be gin, in Australia, Bundaberg rum, generally known as ‘a bundi’, is said to do the trick.
[Aus] 23 Feb. 🌐 [headline] How did a polar bear get on the Bundy Bottle?
[Aus]T. Nieminen ‘Shrine to Spirits’ 🌐 Bundaberg Black: The premium Bundy. A lot darker than the regular Bundy, and a lot better too.
[Aus]N. Cummins Tales of the Honey Badger [ebook] I headed up north to Bundaberg [...] My sole intention was to make a beelinge for the Bundy Rum distillery.