Green’s Dictionary of Slang
cooler, n. 1. a woman, esp. a wife (who ‘cools one’s passions’) as opposed to a mistress or lover (who ‘heats them up’). 2. the (female) buttocks; thus phr. kiss my cooler. 3. a glass of porter, taken as a balance to one of spirits. 4. a ‘finisher’, a ‘clincher’, e.g. a knockout punch, a crushing statement. 5. a glass of beer taken after drinking spirits and water. 6. a prison or prison cell; police cells . 7. a punishment or solitary confinement cell. 8. a short man’s jacket . 9. an expert, an outstanding individual. 10. a chilly glance, a snub, a rejection. 11. a drink of beer. 12. an attractive young woman. 13. a deck of doctored cards. 14. a silencer. 15. a funeral home. 16. as the homosexual reverse of sense 1, a lover. 17. a cigarette laced with a drug, usu. crack cocaine.
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