Green’s Dictionary of Slang

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fly, n.1 a wagon.
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fly, n.2 1. a trick, a dodge. 2. constr. with the, any crime involving skill rather than brute force. 3. one who borrows money or other goods without repaying.
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fly, n.3 1. a police officer. 2. see fly cop n. (1) 3. see botfly n. (2)
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fly, n.4 a spree, a ‘lark’.
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fly, n.5 1. the act of tossing a coin; esp. in a game of ‘two-up’. 2. in fig. use, a try, a ‘go’; esp. as give it a fly under fly n.5
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fly, n.6 a perm or processed hair.
fly, n.7
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fly, n.8 see fly girl under fly adj.
fly, adj. 1. aware, knowledgeable; thus put (someone) fly under fly adj. 2. of clothing, cars, etc., fashionable; of individuals, stylish, sophisticated. 3. smart, sharp, perspicacious; thus flyness, perspicacity. 4. dextrous, agile. 5. enjoying a run of good luck. 6. of a woman, occas. a man, promiscuous, flirtatious. 7.  rebellious, uninhibited in behaviour. 8.  insolent, brash. 9.  of a woman, attractive, pretty, stylish. 10.  excellent, terrific.
27 sub-entries
fly, v. 1.  to lift, to raise; thus fly a glaze/window v., to open a (sash) window for the purpose of breaking into a house . 2. of an idea, a plan, to work out, usu. in negative . 3.  to take or to be intoxicated by psychotropic drugs . 4. to be drunk . 5. see fly a kite under kite n. 6. to act a given manner, e.g. sexually. 7. to be thrown to one’s death from a high building.
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fly, adv. 1.  skilfully. 2.  smartly, fashionably. 3. in an effeminate manner.
fly (tipper), n. a child.
shoo-fly!, excl. an excl. of denial, disdain: ‘get away!’ ‘get out of here!’.
fly the basket (v.) to steal a parcel or luggage from the basket, or rear part, of a stage coach.
under basket, n.1
fly the blue pigeon (v.) to steal the lead from a church roof; thus (blue) pigeon-flying, conducting such thefts.
under blue pigeon, n.
buzzing, n.1 stealing, esp. picking pockets; also attrib.
China duster, n. a blackthorn club or bludgeon, seen as a typically irish weapon.
fly the coop (v.) 1. to leave, poss. suddenly. 2. to escape from prison. 3. to lose control, to lose one’s temper.
under coop, n.1
fly a flag (v.) 1.  to betray one’s personality, esp. in a situation, e.g. prison, where such honesty may be foolish. 2.  to wear gang colours.
under flag, n.2
fly a flag (v.) see flag v.2 (3)
under flag, n.2
fly the flimsy (v.) to pass a counterfeit note.
under flimsy, n.
fly-blister (n.) a minor newspaper.
under fly, n.3
flybog (n.) treacle, jam.
under fly, n.3
fly-cage (n.) the vagina.
under fly, n.3
fly-catcher (n.) 1. a gawping fool . 2. the vagina .
under fly, n.3
fly cemetery (n.) 1. a currant cake. 2.  a pastry square filled with mincemeat. 3.  a raisin biscuit. 4. steamed pudding with currants. 5.  a currant bun.
under fly, n.3
fly-dusters (n.) the fists.
under fly, n.3
fly flapper (n.) a heavy club.
under fly, n.3
fly jerks (n.) the small pieces of cork suspended from a hat to ward off flies.
under fly, n.3
fly machine (n.) methylated spirits.
under fly, n.3
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