Green’s Dictionary of Slang

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Nipper, n. see Nip n. (1)
nipper, n.1 1.  a cutpurse or pickpocket. 2.  a thief or swindler. 3.  a policeman. 4. a miser, a tight-fisted person.
nipper, n.2 1. in pl., fingers or hands. 2. in pl., handcuffs . 3. in pl., pince-nez . 4. in pl., the female breasts.
nipper, n.3 1.  a small measure of spirits. 2. a baby; a young boy (pre-teenage). 3. a boy who hires himself out to a costermonger or market greengrocer. 4. a small, short person. 5. in a shearing shed a youngster used to perform odd jobs, e.g. make tea.
nipper, n.4 a shrimp-like crustacean (Baker, 1941 says ‘prawn’ but cites differentiate).
nipper, v. 1. to arrest. 2.  to break into a house by using ‘nippers’ (a burglars’ tool) to pick the lock. 3. to place in handcuffs.
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