Green’s Dictionary of Slang

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[UK] Kipling ‘Himalayan (Joachim Miller)’ in Early Prose (1900) 99: Fly from the land that is parched and dead, / To Simla or Murree or Naini Tal, / With a limber lunkah thrust in your mouth, / And a solah topee to guard your head, / And a tat beneath you can trust to chel.
at chull, v.
[UK] Kipling ‘Himalayan (Joachim Miller)’ in Early Prose (1900) 99: Fly from the land that is parched and dead, / To Simla or Murree or Naini Tal, / With a limber lunkah thrust in your mouth, / And a solahtopee to guard your head.
at Lunka, n.
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