1905 N.Y. Age 5 Jan. 2/3: Negro laborers have been persecuted by murderous bands of ‘white-cappers,’ whose methods and acts were like those of the Ku Klux conspirators.at white capper (n.) under white, adj.
1910 N.Y. Age 6 Jan. 6/1: The better class of colored citizens [...] being frequently compelled to give up their seats in the ‘buzzard roost’ whenever the white patrons find they have not sufficient room on the lower floors.at buzzard roost (n.) under buzzard, n.
1910 N.Y. Age 27 Jan. 6/6: Joe Yeager, the noted plunger, is said to have pulled off a a big betting coup [...] all brought about by the information Yeager received from his colored ‘clockers’.at clocker, n.1
1920 N.Y. Age 4 Dec. 4/7: Bellboys and elevator pilots were known to go to work in their automobiles.at elevator jockey (n.) under elevator, n.
1920 N.Y. Age 4 Sept. 6/1: The story is laid in Harlem in the Well-known district called ‘Striver’s Row’.at Strivers’ Row, n.
1930 N.Y. Age 13 Dec. 6/1: ‘African golf is not merely an American slang expression for dice, for golf actually exists in Africa’.at African golf (n.) under African, adj.
1930 N.Y. Age 16 Aug. 6/5: ‘I am glad to see all the progress being made in Harlem [...] Sugar Hill is just too bad’.at Sugar Hill, n.
1936 A.E. Duckett ‘Truckin ’round Brooklyn’ in N.Y. Age 14 Nov. 7/1: He’s very pleased with that backcap.at backcap, n.
1936 A.E. Duckett ‘Truckin ’round Brooklyn’ in N.Y. Age 5 Dec. 7/1: what a surprise! If Lloyd Miller stopped thowing the baloney.at shoot the baloney (v.) under baloney, n.
1936 A.E. Duckett ‘Truckin ’round Brooklyn’ in N.Y. Age 1 Feb. 7/1: Thanks, Will Doar for my ticket [...] I’ll be there with a belle, er, er-r-r I mean with bells on.at with bells on under bell, n.1
1936 A.E. Duckett ‘Truckin ’round Brooklyn’ in N.Y. Age 11 July 7/1: Manuel Alexander is now escorting a cute little brown.at brown, n.
1936 A.E. Duckett ‘Truckin ’round Brooklyn’ in N.Y. Age 7 Mar. 7/1: King of Swing [...] From the votes that have reached me up to now...Cab Calloway seems to be the cats meow.at cat’s meow, n.
1936 A.E. Duckett ‘Truckin ’round Brooklyn’ in N.Y. Age 4 Apr. 7/1: Lads and lassies, chappies and chippies there.at chappie, n.
1936 A.E. Duckett ‘Truckin ’round Brooklyn’ in N.Y. Age 12 Dec. 7/1: Buddy Broyard is still at it. Yeah, chippy-chasin’.at chippie-chaser (n.) under chippie, n.1
1936 A.E. Duckett ‘Truckin ’round Brooklyn’ in N.Y. Age 4 Apr. 7/1: Lads and lassies, chappies and chippies there.at chippie, n.1
1936 A.E. Duckett ‘Truckin ’round Brooklyn’ in N.Y. Age 11 July 7/2: The Y Spartans rate some orchids for their swing last week. Congrats girls.at congrats, n.
1936 A.E. Duckett ‘Truckin ’round Brooklyn’ in N.Y. Age 5 Dec. 7/1: Thomas B. and Buddy Broyard [...] busy crashing chippy girls club meetings.at crash, v.
1936 A.E. Duckett ‘Truckin ’round Brooklyn’ in N.Y. Age 6 June 6/7: You’re cuttin’ Claude, / You’re just ‘too much’.at cut, v.5
1936 A.E. Duckett ‘Truckin ’round Brooklyn’ in N.Y. Age 11 July 7/1: Hilda Byrd sits on her stoop every darktime [...] waiting for Frank Simpkins.at darktime (n.) under dark, adj.
1936 A.E. Duckett ‘Truckin ’round Brooklyn’ in N.Y. Age 5 Dec. 7/1: Daniel Carney does this week’s dirt-dishing.at dish (out/up) the dirt (v.) under dirt, n.
1936 A.E. Duckett ‘Truckin ’round Brooklyn’ in N.Y. Age 25 July 7/1: That Clyde Blackman is playing double step with Dot McKenzie and Betty Brue.at double step (n.) under double, adj.
1936 A.E. Duckett ‘Truckin ’round Brooklyn’ in N.Y. Age 8 Feb. 7/1: Tommy Schell and Harriett Brooks are exchanging lovey-dovey looks.at lovey-dovey, adj.
1936 A.E. Duckett ‘Truckin ’round Brooklyn’ in N.Y. Age 25 July 7/1: Yvette is looking cool in yellow and Unis appearing drapey with a ‘sharpey’ moustache.at drapey (adj.) under drape, n.
1936 A.E. Duckett ‘Truckin ’round Brooklyn’ in N.Y. Age 8 Feb. 7/1: Harry Richman of the town, who has a ‘rep’ for draping down.at drape, v.
1936 A.E. Duckett ‘Truckin ’round Brooklyn’ in N.Y. Age 24 Oct. 7/1: Sonny Atwell seems to have been dumped [...] by Edna Mayo. So she promptly returned the dump and set forth to try a cart away a certain [...] chick’s affections.at dump, v.
1936 A.E. Duckett ‘Truckin ’round Brooklyn’ in N.Y. Age 30 May 7/1: Freddie Q [...] fruitin’ all around you know with a certain miss named Gandey.at fruit, v.
1936 A.E. Duckett ‘Truckin ’round Brooklyn’ in N.Y. Age 11 July 7/1: Leonard Diggs is keeping that heart warm for Inez Robsinson...Looks like the real goods.at goods, n.
1936 A.E. Duckett ‘Truckin ’round Brooklyn’ in N.Y. Age 26 Sept. 7/1: ‘Now you can buy yourself a pack of cigarettes instead of grubbing so much’.at grub, v.1
1936 A.E. Duckett ‘Truckin ’round Brooklyn’ in N.Y. Age 18 Jan. 7/1: Believe you me, the December issue is a honey.at honey, n.1
1936 A.E. Duckett ‘Truckin ’round Brooklyn’ in N.Y. Age 8 Feb. 7/1: Hal Reese, the lad with hot-cha.at hotcha, n.