Green’s Dictionary of Slang

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Fortnightly Review choose

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[UK] Fortnightly Rev. 32 85: The slang name for this invasion of the celestial children is sufficiently excpressive. It is called the Yellow Agony.
at yellow agony (n.) under yellow, adj.
[UK] Fortnightly Rev. 40 590: A man’s voice shouted: ‘Stow your jaw and let a man sleep!’.
at stow one’s jaw (v.) under jaw, n.
[UK] Fortnightly Rev. Mar. 389: A repeater before he was of age; a rounder, bruiser, and shoulder hitter [DA].
at repeater, n.
[UK] Fortnightly Rev. Mar. 389: A repeater before he was of age; a rounder, bruiser, and shoulder hitter [DA].
at rounder, n.
[UK] Fortnightly Rev. xxxix, 136: It was never certain whether he was going to nobble the Tories, or square the radicals [F&H].
at nobble, v.2
[UK] Fortnightly Rev. N.S. xxxix 76: Dissipating their rare and precious cash on whiskey straight in the ever-recurring bar-rooms [F&H].
at straight, adj.2
[UK] Fortnightly 48 329: So you are the budmash ( rascal ) , are you , who has been giving me all this trouble — refusing to do your indigo field , and setting a bad example to the others?
at budmash, n.
[UK] Fortnightly 47 616: It subsequently transpired that the pleasant old gentleman who at that time acted as President had an ace up his sleeve.
at ace up one’s sleeve (n.) under ace, n.
[UK] Fortnightly Rev. 61 215: Single people who no longer possess fourpence to pay their doss-money .
at doss money (n.) under doss, n.1
[UK] W. Sickert Fortnightly Rev. Dec. 1027: While it must be admitted that Godwin here made a bull, he perhaps put, in this quaint form, a criticism which was not wanting in point.
at pull a bull (v.) under bull, n.2
[UK] Fortnightly Rev. 100 494: Sinners [...] slouching drearily past one public-house after another [...] would not have enjoyed the harmless variety of the unintelligent pursuit as much as any ‘gin-crawl’.
at gin crawl (n.) under gin, n.4
[UK] Fortnightly Rev. CX 554: The Germany of to-day under William II. has brought about a succession of bad harvests throughout Europe, and her name stinks in the nostrils of decent men.
at stink, v.
[UK] T.B. Gibson Mackenzie ‘The British Prison’ in Fortnightly Rev. Mar. n.p.: This class represents the real human wreckage [...] Over twenty-five per cent. are ‘jake’ or ‘feke’ drinkers. They drink methylated spirits either in water or beer [...] The jake drinker’s life is a short one and most of it he passes in prison suffering the agonies of a terrible reaction.
at feke, n.
[UK] T.B.G. Mackenzie ‘The British Prison’ in Fortnightly Rev. Mar. n.p.: This class represents the real human wreckage [...] Over twenty-five per cent. are ‘jake’ or ‘feke’ drinkers. They drink methylated spirits either in water or beer [...] The jake drinker’s life is a short one and most of it he passes in prison suffering the agonies of a terrible reaction.
at jake, n.3
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