1875 Hartford Herald (KY) 27 Jan. n.p.: Git her up sniptious [...] None of your dratted one-horse fixins for me.at dratted, adj.
1875 Hartford Herald (KY) 27 Jan. n.p.: Git her up sniptious [...] None of your dratted one-horse fixins for me.at fixings, n.1
1875 Hartford Herald (KY) 3 Nov. 1/6: ‘How are you, Mr Dash?’ ‘Bully! How does your corporosity seem to sagaciate this morning?’.at sagaciate, v.
1875 Hartford Herald (KY) 27 Jan. n.p.: Git her up sniptious [...] None of your dratted one-horse fixins for me.at sniptious, adj.
1877 Hartford Herald (KY) 3 Oct. 6/1: Bet your sweet life you’ll fall soon then.at (you) bet your life! (excl.) under bet, v.
1877 Hartford Herald (KY) 3 Oct. 6/1: ‘Hasn’t this been a jolly day?’ [...] —Hunkadory!’.at hunky-dory, adj.
1877 Hartford Herald (KY) 3 Oct. 6/1: I wish you would give up that very unlady-like habit [...] of using such slang expressions as [...] ‘Not by a jug full’.at by a jugful under jug, n.1
1877 Hartford Herald (KY) 3 Oct. 6/1: Miss Parker is some ‘punkins’ and can teach you nobby pieces.at nobby, adj.
1877 Hartford Herald (KY) 3 Oct. 6/1: Miss Parker is some ‘punkins’ and can teach you nobby pieces.at some pumpkins (n.) under pumpkin, n.
1880 Hartford Herald (KY) 17 Mar. 3/3: He keeps no fusil oil, bust skull, sixty yards, rifle whisky, but he has the pure article.at bustskull (n.) under bust, v.1
1880 Hartford Herald (KY) 17 Mar. 3/3: He keeps no fusil oil, bust skull, sixty yards, rifle whisky, but he has the pure article.at sixty yards (n.) under sixty, adj.
1880 Hartford Herald (KY) 28 Apr. 1/4: Yea, verily it was once the home of the woodbine and the whang-doodle.at whangdoodle, n.1
1886 Hartford Herald (KY) 14 July 3/4: Townsend [...] came down ‘kerwhallop’ on economical principles and the temperance side.at kerwhallop, adv.
1892 Hartford Herald (KY) 27 Jan. 1/4: Jelly-fish Christianity is the greatest danger of these times [...] There are thousands of jelly-fish clergymen and countless jelly-fish sermons [...] Legions of jelly-fish students are turned out of the universities [...] all of which is the result of an unhappy dread of dogma.at jellyfish, adj.
1893 Hartford Herald (KY) 21 June 2/2: A number of potato-faced specimens made spectacles of themselves.at potato-face (n.) under potato, n.
1895 Hartford Herald (KY) 27 Mar. 3/6: The Boston Journal gives various theories as to the meaning of the word [dingbats] [...] One writer [whose] mother when ready to use the slipper threatened to put the ‘dingbats’ on him [...] A Connecticut pupil states that to receive punishment at the hands of a teacher is known as ‘getting the dingbats’.at give someone the dingbats (v.) under dingbats, n.
1899 Hartford Herald (KY) 9 Aug. 1/4: In the East he acquired [...] an unquenchable thirst for bitters, bad whiskey, red ink and other liquids.at red ink, n.
1919 Hartford Herald (KY) 5 Feb. 4/2: The flu ban is on tighter than Dick’s hatband until April.at tight as Dick’s hatband (adj.) under Dick’s hatband, n.