Green’s Dictionary of Slang

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Dead March in the Desert choose

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[UK] M. Pellew Dead March in the Desert 36: The inside had the weary, untidy look of a place that lives properly only by night and quails in the light of the morning. In pairs at little round tables were one or two men who looked like bouncers, and women who were unmistakably prostitutes.
at bouncer, n.1
[UK] M. Pellew Dead March in the Desert 194: ‘I’m not movin’ [i.e. from the canteen] yet,’ said John. ‘I ain’t got my full cargo aboard’ .
at cargo, n.2
[UK] M. Pellew Dead March in the Desert 213: Tim was as cool as a hill-breeze. This sort of venture, as he put it, ‘didn’t take a feather out of him’.
at take a feather out of (v.) under feather, n.
[UK] M. Pellew Dead March in the Desert 196: I knew Steve would be looking for me [...] and I meant to keep him on the hop till I got tired of it.
at on the hop under hop, n.4
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