Green’s Dictionary of Slang

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Sahara Desert Escape choose

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[UK] A. Delmayne Sahara Desert Escape 201: I saw a pair of black boots and leggings [...] Black boots and black leather leggings are worn only by the Gardes Mobiles, and this merchant was much too near for my liking .
at merchant, n.
[UK] A. Delmayne Sahara Desert Escape 34: [T]he legionary [...] had gone to settle the sniper .
at settle, v.
[UK] A. Delmayne Sahara Desert Escape 136: The Camp Commandant deducted what he thought fit for Company funds [...] this was part of his squeeze, and far from increasing our rations he lined his pocket a bit more by selling what he could .
at squeeze, n.1
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