Green’s Dictionary of Slang

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Huntingdon, Bedford & Peterborough Gazette choose

Quotation Text

[UK] Huntingdon, Bedford & Peterborough Gaz. 31 Mar. 2/3: The upper servants [...] actually claim a doucer of 3s. a chaldron for themselves.
at doucer, n.
[UK] Huntingdon, Bedford & Peterboro’ Gaz. 24 Aug. 2/4: The ladies were soon obliged to abandon the major part of them, who are not strutting about the pavé.
at pave, n.
[UK] Huntingdon, Bedford & Peterborough Gaz. 25 July 2/1: Mr Hughes held an inquest at the Mug-house, St Cle,ment’s, on the body of [...] the landlord.
at mughouse (n.) under mug, n.1
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