Green’s Dictionary of Slang

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Life in the French Foreign Legion choose

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[UK] E. McGorman Life in the French Foreign Legion 82: In certain regions of France [...] there is a propensity towards squat toilets. [...] Ordinarily you adopt a skier’s stance over the hole and try to maintain it until you’ve done your duty.
at do one’s duty (v.) under duty, n.
[UK] E. McGorman Life in the French Foreign Legion 74: I knew people who’d been in other armies [...] who said things were generally not much different than what they had seen before. Same shit, different pile, as the saying goes.
at same shit, different day under same, adj.
[UK] E. McGorman Life in the French Foreign Legion 42: Your sergent is responsible for ensuring that everything comes off without a hitch and you can be sure you'll hear about it if you don't do your part properly. Shit rolls downhill.
at shit rolls downhill under shit, n.
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