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The Making of a Legionnaire choose

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[UK] B. Parris Making of a Legionnaire 167: [of a parachute] No other marks or signatures. This babe had obviously not passed through any checks .
at baby, n.
[UK] B. Parris Making of a Legionnaire 66: I received some bad news after la soupe. I had been picked for guard duty that night. Bollocks and double bollocks .
at ballocks!, excl.
[UK] B. Parris Making of a Legionnaire 111: I was absolutely battered with the drink .
at battered, adj.
[UK] B. Parris Making of a Legionnaire 158: [O]ur usual beasting—running along being shouted at, cursed at and generally abused .
at beast, v.
[UK] B. Parris Making of a Legionnaire 11: [W]e ran like fuck towards our lines [...] both at full belt now, shouting and screaming loudly .
at at full belt (adv.) under belt, v.
[UK] B. Parris Making of a Legionnaire 37: The French kid was a real bully [...] I would have to keep an eye on chummy from now on .
at chummy, n.3
[UK] B. Parris Making of a Legionnaire 171: ‘Just a word of warning boys. Some of the troops [...] are getting the impression that you lot are a bit cocky, gobbing off ’.
at gob off (v.) under gob, v.
[UK] B. Parris Making of a Legionnaire 79: [T]his kid was a gob-shite [...] I had caught him out in so many lies it was no longer funny .
at gobshite, n.
[UK] B. Parris Making of a Legionnaire 194: We had been taught [...] how to give morphine injections, not forgetting to mark the casualty’s forehead with a large letter M [...] to let the medics [...] know that he has had a dose of the good stuff.
at good stuff (n.) under good, adj.1
[UK] B. Parris Making of a Legionnaire 67: Never mind, it would have to be a case of head down, arse up and off we go. Whinging wasn’t going to change anything .
at head down, arse up under head, n.
[UK] B. Parris Making of a Legionnaire 140: Bullies? Lads with a real appetite for a kick-in, and some pathetic need to frighten others?
at kick-in, n.1
[UK] B. Parris Making of a Legionnaire 24: [T]here was something about him, masked by the pleasant façade, which indicated he could and would kick off if he needed to .
at kick off, v.1
[UK] B. Parris Making of a Legionnaire 171: ‘Just a word of warning boys. Some of the troops [...] are getting the impression that you lot are a bit cocky, gobbing off. Pack it in and play the white man’.
at white man, n.
[UK] B. Parris Making of a Legionnaire 87: I knew the kepi march was imminent and I desperately wanted to be there. [...] I didn’t want to go through on the nod just because of this wretched hand .
at on the nod under nod, n.1
[UK] B. Parris Making of a Legionnaire 23: I found the showers, found where to pee, but where were the traps? Where could I have a dump?
at trap, n.1
[UK] B. Parris Making of a Legionnaire 67: Most British squaddies will tell you that when they embark on a ‘yomp’, they are told how long it will be .
at yomp, v.
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