1907 Indianapolis Star (IN) 25 Sept. 3/4: Up on the seventh floor of the Board of Trade building [...] and just seven floors above the ‘one-arm lunch’.at one-arm (joint), n.
1911 Indianpolis Star 2 Aug. 5: Stage hands, who were anxious to learn the prevailing words of slang of the season, stood with their jaws agape during the afternoon when the chorus girls twisted the English language into hard knots for their benefit. [...] ‘We are not going to be chorus girls, dears, warblers, chickens, quails or squabs any longer. The correct dope this year is [...] quims.’.at chicken, n.
1911 Indianpolis Star 2 Aug. 5: Stage hands, who were anxious to learn the prevailing words of slang of the season, stood with their jaws agape during the afternoon when the chorus girls twisted the English language into hard knots for their benefit. [...] ‘We are not going to be chorus girls, dears, warblers, chickens, quails or squabs any longer. The correct dope this year is [...] quims.’.at quail, n.
1911 Indianpolis Star 2 Aug. 5: Stage hands, who were anxious to learn the prevailing words of slang of the season, stood with their jaws agape during the afternoon when the chorus girls twisted the English language into hard knots for their benefit. [...] ‘We are not going to be chorus girls, dears, warblers, chickens, quails or squabs any longer. The correct dope this year is [...] quims.’.at quim, n.
1911 Indianapolis Star 2 Aug. 5: Stage hands, who were anxious to learn the prevailing words of slang of the season, stood with their jaws agape during the afternoon when the chorus girls twisted the English language into hard knots for their benefit. [...] ‘We are not going to be chorus girls, dears, warblers, chickens, quails or squabs any longer. The correct dope this year is [...] quims.’.at squab, n.2
1911 Indianapolis Star 12 Nov. 16/8: And the W. C. T. U. proposed to put the kibosh on the whole ball of wax.at the whole ball of wax (n.) under wax, n.2
1913 Indianapolis Star (IN) 4 May 21/2: The indiana senators are slow on the strigger in the selection of men [...] to recommend.at slow on the trigger (adj.) under slow, adj.
1914 Indianapolis Star 5 Apr. 29/4: When Lew Shank walked out on the McVicker’s vaudeville stage last evening he reminded me of a long drink of water. That’s a funny expression, and I can not further explain the phenomenon, unless I was unconsciously thirsty, or mighty glad to see and hear some one from the old sod.at long drink (of water) (n.) under long, adj.
1919 Indianapolis Star (IN) 15 June 70/5: ‘Did you,’ he asked [...] ‘I did,’ I acknowledged, ‘and it drove me nuts’.at drive someone nuts (v.) under nuts, adj.
1919 Indianapolis Star (IN) 7 Oct. 6/4: A French pastry shop where a group of parlor pinks were bemoaning the fate of the world.at parlor pink (n.) under parlor, n.
1923 J.Montague in Indianapolis Star 11 Sept. 7/5: When I hear there’s been a panic in the market / And securities are hurrying to smash.at smash, v.1
1923 Indianapolis Star 28 Sept. 8/4: It has long been the gossip of Broadway that two top-notch songwriters have the ‘yen’ — which means they are opium smokers.at yen, n.1
1924 Indianapolis Star (IN) 26 Feb. 7/2: As for marrying a man you have known only three months, Mary Anna, that’s another pair of sleeves.at another pair of sleeves under sleeve, n.
1925 Indianapolis Star 20 Apr. 6/8: Others may want to know if Elijah went straight up or a little slantindicular, before taking the leap.at slantindicular, adj.
1929 Indianapolis Star 13 Apr. 22/6: Stir-wise — A man versed in prison, and prison-avoiding, lore.at stirwise (adj.) under stir, n.1
1930 Indianapolis Star (IN) 30 Nov. 12/1: [headline] ‘Bunco Steering’ Leads to Prison.at bunco-steering (n.) under bunco, n.
1936 Indianapolis Star (IN) 19 Apr. 36/6: The Tailwaggers Foundation of America wants to make it a law that nobody can ‘kick their dogs around’.at tail-wagger (n.) under tail, n.
1938 Indianapolis Star (IN) 22 May 19/4: Sucker-Bait for Capmpaign Year. This is campaign year, and a more fruitful time for the utterance of sucker-bait cannot be found.at sucker-bait (n.) under sucker, n.1
1943 N. Pepper in Indianapolis Star 12 Dec. pt 4 22/6: Strictly for the Birds — Not so hot.at for the birds under bird, n.1
1943 N. Pepper in Indianapolis Star 12 Dec. pt 4 22/6: Voic Coupon — A drippy person.at void coupon (n.) under coupon, n.
1943 N. Pepper in Indianapolis Star 12 Dec. pt 4 22/6: Pass the Drool Cup — That’s what girls say when an attractive boy passes by.at pass the drool cup (v.) under drool, n.
1943 N. Pepper in Indianapolis Star 12 Dec. pt 4 22/6: Hothouse — School.at hot-house (n.) under hot, adj.
1943 N. Pepper in Indianapolis Star 12 Dec. pt 4 22/6: Skinhead — Boy with a G.I. haircut.at skinhead, n.
1943 N. Pepper in Indianapolis Star 12 Dec. pt 4 22/6: Tickle My Ear — Call me up.at tickle one’s ear (v.) under tickle, v.
1945 Indianapolis Star (IN) 3 Sept. 17/6: He has served [...] seven years at San Quentin Prison [...] for bunco-steering.at bunco-steering (n.) under bunco, n.
1947 Indianapolis Star (IN) 1 June 16/7: ‘Back home we have fifty-eleven different flavors,’ GI Joe told her.at fifty-eleven, n.