2008 W.D. Myers Sunrise Over Fallujah 102: [used of military enemies]We got back into our Humvees and rolled up cautiously, checking all around us for bad guys.at bad guy (n.) under bad, adj.
2008 W.D. Myers Sunrise Over Fallujah 135: ‘One of the wounded marines is in deep, too’.at in deep (adj.) under deep, adv.
2008 W.D. Myers Sunrise Over Fallujah 6: In case you’re too stupid to follow what I’m saying I will run it down for you very slowly and very carefully.at run down, v.
2008 W.D. Myers Sunrise Over Fallujah 18: ‘We got to do a gut check and see if we got the will to win’.at gut-check (n.) under gut, n.
2008 W.D. Myers Sunrise Over Fallujah 254: The flight to Al Amarah took nearly two and a half hours. Coles said the pilots must have been flying around hot zones.at hot, adj.
2008 W.D. Myers Sunrise Over Fallujah 261: I wanted was for him [...] not worry about [...] how I was going to kick it ten years down the line.at kick it, v.2
2008 W.D. Myers Sunrise Over Fallujah 212: ‘[J]ust shakes your head and keep on keeping on’.at keep on keeping on (v.) under keep, v.
2008 W.D. Myers Sunrise Over Fallujah 10: ‘Yo, Jones, that’s good,’ I said. [...] ‘That way I know you looking out’.at look out (v.) under look, v.
2008 W.D. Myers Sunrise Over Fallujah 7: [B]ombing the heck out of the enemy, taking out his communications, and disrupting his lines of supply.at take out, v.
2008 W.D. Myers Sunrise Over Fallujah 243: ‘In wine I stick with Petrus Clandestinus [...] You probably know it by its street name,’ Jonesy said. ‘Sneaky Pete’.at sneaky pete, n.
2008 W.D. Myers Sunrise Over Fallujah 246: ‘My read is that it [i.e. a firefight] won’t be necessary’.at read, n.
2008 W.D. Myers Sunrise Over Fallujah 155: Harris got his thirty seconds of showboat time and sat himself down again.at showboating (n.) under showboat, v.
2008 W.D. Myers Sunrise Over Fallujah 247: ‘If it’s not risky, why doesn’t he get his little butt on the stick and do it himself?’.at on the stick under stick, n.
2008 W.D. Myers Sunrise Over Fallujah 87: We rolled into Baghdad [...] and people on the street were waving to us. Whoa! It’s like winning the Super Bowl or something.at whoa!, excl.