2008 ‘Grandmaster Flash’ Adventures 100: Being an ex-Black Spade, Bam always had a gang of hardheads around him to make sure his parties didn’t go AWOL.at go A.W.O.L. under A.W.O.L., adj.
2008 ‘Grandmaster Flash’ Adventures 114: They could be girls you'd only been with once or they could be the mother of your kids, but either way, things changed once you got that ass.at ass, n.
2008 ‘Grandmaster Flash’ Adventures 109: One to two-thirty was prime time [...] and you were about to shake your ass for ninety minutes straight.at shake one’s ass under ass, n.
2008 ‘Grandmaster Flash’ Adventures 184: I’m also in the hole financially. I’m totally dead-ass broke.at dead-ass, adv.2
2008 (con. mid-1970s) ‘Grandmaster Flash’ Adventures 37: ‘What the hell was that?’ [...] ‘I just broke on you,’ he said, cool as a cucumber. ‘And you can call me a b-boy’ [...] Popping, locking, b-boying, and baby-rocking.at B-boy, n.
2008 ‘Grandmaster Flash’ Adventures 39: Herman Kelly. Kool and the Gang. Seventh Wonder. Those guys were challenging break-boys to show what they were made of.at B-boy, n.
2008 ‘Grandmaster Flash’ Adventures 97: [T]hey all told me they didn’t want to battle to any other DJ's music.at battle, v.
2008 ‘Grandmaster Flash’ Adventures 114: They could be girls you'd only been with once or they could be the mother of your kids.at be with, v.
2008 ‘Grandmaster Flash’ Adventures 32: ‘[M]y writing style was foul, and my name wasn’t getting around. I wasn’t beefin’ with other writers or taking any other risks to get a rep’.at beef, v.1
2008 ‘Grandmaster Flash’ Adventures 140: Hank’s fronting like he's big shit, but everybody on the street knows he stole his rhymes. Hank ain’t the real.at bigshit, adj.
2008 ‘Grandmaster Flash’ Adventures 104: ‘Step aside, Black,’ Jamal said. ‘I’m about to do this’.at black, n.
2008 ‘Grandmaster Flash’ Adventures 159: ‘[T]he Message’ is a hit. [...] ‘the Message’ blows up. [...] The word’s getting back that we're blowing up the radio.at blow up, v.3
2008 ‘Grandmaster Flash’ Adventures 44: All I care about is what that DJ is doing. If he can really blow up the spot with his music, I have to see it firsthand [ibid.] 121: The Audubon Ballroom [...] The joint is the biggest thing I have ever seen. ‘We're gonna blow it up in here,’ Ray tells me.at blow up, v.3
2008 ‘Grandmaster Flash’ Adventures 104: Cowboy threw a lightning-fast uppercut and bombed him right in his jaw.at bomb, v.1
2008 ‘Grandmaster Flash’ Adventures 31: But the respect those [graffiti-making] cats got—oh man! [...] They had to be, dangerous like it was. You couldn’t help but bow down for what it took to be out there.at bow down (v.) under bow, v.
2008 ‘Grandmaster Flash’ Adventures 37: ‘Popping, locking, b-boying, and baby-rocking. This wasn’t the down-on-the-ground windmills and backspins and acrobatic stuff that people imagine when they think about ‘break dancing’ today. Wasn’t called ‘break dancing’ at all. This was breakin’. This was about finding that little piece of the song where [...] you didn’t have nothing but rhythm. And then shaking your ass on it’.at breaking, n.3
2008 (con. mid-1970s) ‘Grandmaster Flash’ Adventures 43: The dude’s jumpin’ all over the mic, sayin’ we got to ride the break, callin’ us breakers and b-boys.at breaking, n.3
2008 ‘Grandmaster Flash’ Adventures 55: B-boys and girls didn’t want to hear straight four-on-the-floor dance beats and boring rhythms. They wanted music they didn’t recognize but could break on anyway.at breaking, n.3
2008 ‘Grandmaster Flash’ Adventures 101: Every time I brought down a club, I wanted more—wanted to get the crowd higher. It was like a drug.at bring down, v.3
2008 ‘Grandmaster Flash’ Adventures 138: ‘If you have a contract with him,’ Joe says, ‘we'll take care of all that.’ Sylvia finishes for him: ‘the important thing is that we start working together ASAP.’ Doesn’t feel right, this bum-rush.at bumrush, n.
2008 ‘Grandmaster Flash’ Adventures 231: [N]obody I knew saw their dad bust up their mom with a frying pan.at bust, v.1
2008 ‘Grandmaster Flash’ Adventures 46: Girls and parties weren’t as interesting as my electronics [...] while [my friends] were out chasing butt and smoking weed, I was in search of something.at butt, n.1
2008 ‘Grandmaster Flash’ Adventures 9: ‘What really set him off was me messin' with his records [...] This really twisted his cap. This was personal, and the beating was bad’.at twist someone’s cap (v.) under cap, n.6
2008 ‘Grandmaster Flash’ Adventures 39: Clowning on another guy's moves by mimicking his style was like saying You suck.at clown, v.
2008 ‘Grandmaster Flash’ Adventures 206: There’d been moments where it looked like Mel, Scorp, and Cowboy might come correct on our side, but then they stopped showing up.at come correct (v.) under come, v.3
2008 ‘Grandmaster Flash’ Adventures 100: The other big DJ on the come-up was Afrika Bambaataa [...] he’d rock a set of jams I couldn’t dream of matching.at on the come-up (adj.) under come up, v.1
2008 ‘Grandmaster Flash’ Adventures 210: ‘I don’t want to dream and I don’t want to fade out,’ I whispered. ‘I don’t want to ride this couch for the rest of my life’.at ride a/the couch (v.) under couch, n.
2008 ‘Grandmaster Flash’ Adventures 39: ‘Me and my boys at school got us a crew. Got so many fresh moves, nobody wants to battle us’.at crew, n.
2008 ‘Grandmaster Flash’ Adventures 49: [within an audience] [W]hile everybody else danced the night away, I hung back in the cut, watching Herc spin his records [...] and rock the crowd.at in the cut under cut, n.1