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[US] Buerkle & Barker Bourbon Street Black 87: The musician [...] may have to make restitution to the Muncie people, in order to keep things ‘clean’ with the Federation.
at clean, adj.
[US] Buerkle & Barker Bourbon Street Black 75: ‘[T]he books their sidemen had to cut’ (scores they had to read) more and more required sight reading of high proficiency.
at cut, v.5
[US] Buerkle & Barker Bourbon Street Black 205: Squares are boresome. [...] They’re like a gang of Coca Cola bottles lyin’ around on the side of the road.
at gang, n.1
[US] Buerkle & Barker Bourbon Street Black 164: ‘There was that gig in Texas. Man, that was somethin’ else! We stayed there nine months. Everythin’ we did, man, seemed to get over, ya know?’.
at get over, v.1
[US] Buerkle & Barker Bourbon Street Black 220: That’s where this term ‘ham-fat’ musician came from. It referred to some guys who, instead of takin’ lessons, just picked up their instruments and started playin’.
at hamfat, adj.2
[US] Buerkle & Barker Bourbon Street Black 199: [T]he jazzman is usually seen to be in desperate combat with conventional society. Possessed by his music, this ‘outsider’ is seen to retreat to small enclaves of ‘hipdom’ to avoid the ‘squares.’.
at hipdom (n.) under hip, n.2
[US] Buerkle & Barker Bourbon Street Black 40: When he gets out, his lip is ‘down’ and he never quite makes the good gigs again.
at lip, n.1
[US] Buerkle & Barker Bourbon Street Black 190: There was one boy who [...] was very popular. He didn’t have any people. So a neighborhood undertaker took the body to his place.
at people, n.
[US] Buerkle & Barker Bourbon Street Black 57: I used to piddle around on a piano.
at piddle about (v.) under piddle, v.
[US] Buerkle & Barker Bourbon Street Black 80: This young jazzman is about to become a member of [...] The American Federation of Musicians [...] and his ticket (card) will be good everywhere in the United States.
at ticket, n.1
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