at on the up and up (adj.) under up-and-up, n.
at bean-eater (n.) under bean, n.1
at beat it, v.
at bender, n.2
at Big Easy, the, n.
at bird, n.1
at blow, v.1
at boychick, n.
at bump (off), v.
at carpet joint (n.) under carpet, n.1
at cat’s pyjamas, n.
at cat’s meow, n.
at clap, n.
at clip-joint, n.
at cool it, v.
at crummy, adj.2
at dick, n.5
at ding, n.1
at dollars to doughnuts under dollar, n.1
at drag, n.1
at dressed (up) to the nines, phr.
at goggle-eyed, adj.
at flop, v.
at hot foot, v.
at put a frame on (v.) under frame, n.2
at front, v.2
at gum (up) the works (v.) under gum, v.2
at hack, n.1
at handsome harry, n.
at hayseed, adj.
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