Green’s Dictionary of Slang

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A Clear State of the Case of Elizabeth Canning. Who hath sworn that she was Robbed and almost Starved to Death by a gang of Gipsies and other villains in January last, for which one MARY SQUIRES now lies under Sentence of Death choose

Quotation Text

[UK] H. Fielding Elizabeth Canning (2 edn) 44: ‘I desire you will not make a Clack of it, for fear it should be blown’.
at blow, v.1
[UK] H. Fielding Elizabeth Canning (2 edn) 43: What is that to you, you have no business with it?.
at business, n.
[UK] H. Fielding Elizabeth Canning (2 edn) 44: ‘I desire you will not make a Clack of it, for fear it should be blown’.
at clack, n.
[UK] H. Fielding Elizabeth Canning (2 edn) 9: [T]he old Gipsy Woman took hold of her by the Hand, and promised to give her fine Cloaths if she would go their Way, which Expression she understanding to mean the becoming a Prostitute.
at way of life (n.) under life, n.
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